Monday, March 6, 2017

divorce attorney

divorce attorney

hi my name is scott and today we'regoing to talk about alimony in florida there's a statute that the court mustfollow in determining this the award of alimonytheir series our criteria that the court has to consider indetermining and alimony award and the overriding concern under the lawis whether somebody has any or handed whether somebody has theability to pay i alimony so you have to come to courtand demonstrate that you don't have the ability to pay your bills on a monthlybasis in a reasonable standard of living you most recently enjoyed in the intactfamily or intact

marriage and now that we're going tohave to homes are the other person's gonna say i don'thave the money to pay alimony i've got bills as well so we have tofigure out what the marital bills or for each homeon a reasonable basis compared to the standard for living most recentlyenjoyed and then the other criteria that thecourt's going to consider as well i have a need for alimony how much can you contribute towards yourown need so can you work or you employable about your job skills will come intoquestion

and the link that marriage is also anoverriding factor for the court to consider give a short term marriage its defined asseven years or less of you ever to ratio or a durrational or average marriages i call it is betweenseven and 17 years under florida law currently or you have a permanent marriage which isgreater than 17 if you're in a permanent category areyou're gonna be have great exposure or the ability to collect alimony for along period of time


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