Friday, March 3, 2017

criminal law

criminal law

stanford university inside justice is aneffort to get students outside of the classroomand into places where criminaljustice is actually happening in california. that could be at arraignments. that could be visitingdifferent detention facilities. inside justice provides lawstudents with opportunities to interact with professorsand other faculty

at the law school inreal-world settings. our students takea lot of courses in criminal law andcriminal justice, and we think it's importantfor them to go out and to see the actual placeswhere criminal justice is practiced-- most recently,the san francisco county jail, a prison, a state prison,san quentin, various courts, a misdemeanor arraignmentcourt, which is frankly where a large majority ofactual criminal prosecutions

occur in the united states,and a behavioral health court, a special diversioncourt for certain offenders who have serious mental healthproblems who might be better treated in that context. it's really importantto get law students outside of the classroom andaway from their case books to see how their work isapplied in the real world and who it actually affects. this provides anorganic environment

where students andfaculty members are able to reflecton their experiences. when students participatein inside justice, it changes the sortof questions that they have from just strictlylegal questions to questions about how a process should workin misdemeanor arrangements, and what's the most effectiveway to keep everything fair and in line with therules and laws that we know when you're also facedwith resource constraints

and the system has tofunction, and helps give them a better vision ofthe type of work environment that they're goinginto in the future. for more, please visitus at


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