Thursday, March 2, 2017

christian lawyers

christian lawyers

gonna come on your way to end my cabintonio still with us hey pad tom how are you a great thankyou for filling in for me for the first half hour choice fun ii i so appreciate it so what it what is at the top of your head rightnow what's what's got you cranked well i've out a i did a i did astory this week 54 the radio segment offering a far ijust thought was so interesting in it is week you know wealways time we always talk about it at this division

love at for republican party i v you and i have been talking aboutthis for two years but now it's been turned up full-tilt and watch what we're seeing now is isyou have call rove is created this frankenstein monster it's now unleashed it's now moving aboutthe country %uh in in by way of people like mattbevan in in kentucky who's run against mitchmcconnell i who it were saying or saying race afterrace

%uh really i i'm no i don't state this this is a solid statement wingnuts image dinner chooses like and crazy hisfinally been freed the freak show warmup is now at full-tilt clown carsare pulling up everywhere in seoul right now with portugal funnyto watch to me is it you've got guys like up to tonyperkins you know with the christian right who ismaking this statement that now is our time we are the great we have thegreatest potential to have the greatest impact right nowyour religious liberties are being

stolen from you americans are descending into a quagmireof self-destructive socialism run by the gay entities and every other awful thing according to tony perkinsand that your religious liberties been take away now what this is really about is you havethe koch brothers still at war okay just changed whatthey've done is they've slightly changed the narrative before it before it was just the temembers just the tea party

now it is the christian tea party thechristian tea party right that is putting up these candidates andi couldnt i honestly i could not make up some other stories about how how howcrazy are they are representative frank wolf i you'vegot to got name richard black contesting therepublican primary to replace party the got aim up frank walsh in virginia now black is the guy says idon't know how you could validly get a conviction up a husband and wife rape it just is not right what was whathe's done is come

he's coming out a supporting the ideathat it's ok for american rape yeah it's it's just fine and you've gotmail the store is gone trevor that its its its incredible material you've got chrismcdaniel running instead cochran he was all were already a crazy right freak in every regard he says his one of his platforms are you knowi'm gonna change what hollywood does if i'm elected because right now there's a lack ofmuslim not my own you know they are

making is up but i'm not there's a lack of muslims villains inhollywood films right now when we need to do somethingabout it but the stories the edge have crazy has been fully opentom in its just outta control it in in andtruthfully mcconnell can't do anything about itgrowth can't do anything about it of bosnia doing this coming now theseright-wing billionaires prince for the koch brothers who has the stuff and i'm wonderin you know what's the endgame it seems to mean pap

that i i me look back in history erbe goback to russel kirk in 1951 he wrote the book the conservative mind that the thatwas the foundation for barry goldwater in and for a bill buckley and all thoseguys and and he said in 51 if the middle class gets too large intoaffluent america is going to become destabilizedthe net will be a destructive thing for american society and in the sixties as the middle classreached the peak of affluence in the history of the world

and you saw women too many rights youngpeople saying hello i will go to war after american saying hey you know it'sits are turning over the civil rights act so i it bit by the by 71 you had the citiesburning and 69 you at stonewall gazers say what about us and everybody was smoking pot takingacid and and and that and the people on the right notthomas jefferson what i love this cuz he thought that change was a good thing butconservatives historically

think the change is a bad thing band orat least it should be very very slow and gradual an incremental and and so you had all these guys in theright say holy cow russell kirk was right we've got to gaza strip a lot of his wealth away fromthe middle class because these people have too much timeon their hands in too much money and they have succeeded i mean you know they they've thrown athird of what used to be the middle class and the working poor

they've thrown the students a trilliondollars into debt when it used to be. go to college for free and i or for damn close to it you canwork a part-time job through the summer and pay for your tuition and it seems to me like the endgameothers is to take us back to dickens englandyou know to it as stable society where you got controllablestable exactly my point yeah aaa's a stay at does that that'sthe natural state capitalism actually is dickens

england you know middle class is not anormal thing no classes have to be created by government policy that that represses or horse or reducesthe power of the super wealthy and enhances the power working peoplerelative to their employers and if you don't do those things amiddle working-class middle-class will not emerge the only kinda middle-class whateveremerges as what you had during dickens time which is a middle-class a professionalsdoctors lawyers and mercantilist shop

owners that's it and more you know scrooge marley was memscrooge was a mark middle-class got your own he was a small business owner ed to employees himself in bed bob cratchitand bob cratchit was the working poor in and i'm wondering are the koch brotherswho are the sole libertarian thing in this this like let's fuel the crazy on the right arethey really working toward that vision therussell kirk talked about 1951 up let's literally destroy the americanmiddle class so we can have a plutocracy

basically and and ben have a very healthy andstable country from the point of view the very rich yeah i i get there very well may affectrichard perlman i think prominent you wrote the book on the nixon years if youre yeah i think you interviewed in one time i i believe i saw your interview with myknow i did and i i was very impressed with his message is the same message youjust deliver to if you think about it what what nixon what nixon was able todo

with a you know with his who with hisdirty tricks can have guys %uh he was able to go out and he wasable to scare the hell outta the american public is saying look what'shappening people are in the streets over the warpeople in the streets over verge of there being a drug use drugabuse is at all-time high burning their broader a very badlyversions in show what he did is he had people likes a greddy you remember thename of a dinosaur right okay so you have people likes a greddythat were able to to take that in moulded

and actually create the the mantra to where we've lost control now let mejump now to 28-14 this is the same thing the colts are saying to this christianright tea party look we have lost control you have gayswho are you now have rights that they've never had you have a socialist president who istaking us to the edge to the abyss and by the way if youlook at the color of his skin yeah the yet but by the way you have tobe african-american

and that's scary and show what we'reseeing a repeat of that problem and had to i think she said the same thing that you justlaid out and that is that this this was repeating itself with thisis this is simply a remake up what happened in nixon land ibelieve was the name of the dove the book right but it was show well done i wasjust absolutely so captivated by it as a matter fact i'm inclined to go backand reread that book because it could has

a it has such an impact for what we'reseeing right here with people like tony perkins tony perkins doesn't care about any ofthis stuff tony perkins is a fraud i mean you know the true since he's aframes in with ralph reed of course but what now is happen is youhave this alliance between the money goes the coke said you know we read yeah i remember we came out with teaparty and it worked pretty well for us now we have two amp it up it has to be the christianright tea party that's what is with us

what has become right yeah it and and the imparted that is let's put on a show sothat they don't notice what we're doing with the tax code you don't notice what we're doing withnash international trade policy they don't notice what we're doing with thecourt's they don't notice what we're doing withproducts to kill people and it's like it's like bread and circusyeah well you know for somebody to watch it willi'm always

amazed at how you here %uh you know the rank-and-file talk about the taliban ohmy god you know they won't let women have any rights they you know they theyhave to dress in an awful way they don't have anyliberties at all you can't dance you can't dance this is the talibanwingnut question right that's what we're sayingit's the reinvention overtime now think about this think it how silent they have been for awhile now the christian right they've been out there

but we haven't had a tony perkins outfront saying you know now is our time now isour time to reject conservative beltway republicans because theirsocialist to because they're on godly to because theydon't do enough about stopping abortion because they voted yet that you know they're allbehind gay rights issue now is the time is the message and nowis the time is coming from the very people who invented thesewingnuts to begin with and we're just saying it's just a it'sjust a new version you know the madison

project madison project is is out there it sitsin awful you know it's just like a the senateconservatives fund which are familiar with i'm sure those two organizations are putting huge money behind these races where you hangout with you have i frankly they have a very good chanceto unseat of mitch mcconnell with thisguide matt bevin yeah it's the kind a right-wing populismthat we saw in the twenties and thirties

in and spain germany and italy frankly on i i realize how people recoil anything that you know soon as youmention germany in the thirties but its its right-wing populism yeah i don'ti don't understand that recall to end because there's so much truth to it you know what it is it is that we hadthat mainstream media say all you can't talk about that how dare you use it butit's the truth we sing some ugly things happen yeah iam mostly invented the word fashions merger state business interests yes andmy capitani always will be back with

more with my capitani a hearing tomartin program 45 minutes past the hour 50 minutesbefore that lebed you


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