Wednesday, April 26, 2017

referral referral

referral referral

well tesla has done it again they endedone referral program last week friday and again monday they started it up allover again actually can start up over again theyjust they're continuing where they left up the capital was five referrals now itis 10 as of right now i have five slots leftfor people to save a grand on a purchase object model s or model excellent you toget a new sticky pad we have any kind of destroyed mug stickycamera holder huh so what does that mean for all ofyou well if someone needs a referral to geta thousand bucks off a model that looks

can't do auto pilot here car won't see the lines until about noonwith sons overhead i have five slides left that means fivelucky people can use my referral card and here is the fun part there is another set of tickets at theend of this referral for the next tesla and valence and just like i did with thegigafactory if you use my referral code and then let me know you used it everytime i really don't have any way tub you know you really don't have any wayto show proof that you use my code but you know trying to honor systemparameter will see you aren't all that

bag i put your name in my hat and then ijust have the genome draw a name out of the hat and whoever is lucky name i drawgets to accompany me to the next tesla i'm unveiling event now we have no idea what this one is going to be the currentone was for the end of friday was for a couple of tickets to the gigafactory andobviously since your factories next week i mean that's all . but this is whatprogram goes until i think was october 30 years and also october thirtieth so imean it could be a model why would be

pickup truck could be could be the actual release allof the model 3 or meaning the production version frankly at this point we don't know butif you want a good chance of go if you want to go to one of those events basically you'll have a one in ten iguess since the referral program ended last friday so i this is technically it's like awhole separate set of people that use the first one i didn't have enough forthe two more tickets to the gator

factory event for the last 1i was onereferral short but i have now like i said it's a continuation actually anybody who use my referralstarting monday through the 30th for this next set so then you can have asmuch as a one in six chance of going to the gigafactory with me all you got todo is use my referral code if you found that i ate my videos have been helpfulto you or i've helped you in some way i could be awesome if you can use my code i think there's already got enough foryou know the prizes and everything so the only thing really left would be howto get tickets tickets are cool

we like tickets that's what we don'tneed no stinking its regulation of style so i have now arrived home the humidity level is nasty so i am going to go hide in my officewith the shades closed and do even either thing not really i'm just going to edit somevideo and create the air conditioner pretty much as high as it will go yeah soaked so once again if i helped you in someway shape or form with your decision to

buy a test low or i've taught yousomething anything please consider using my referral code and then let me knowonce you have confirmed your order that way i can see in my account thatyes another order has been confirmed and i know whose name you know who use thecode put your name in the hat and at once ieither run out of referrals or the end of the program i will draw names out ofa hat and if i had if i have enough referralsi mean shouldn't be too hard to get five more in the next august september threemonths i will pull the name of the head andthat person gets to me my plus one for

the next tesla event some smile cheese

referral number

referral number

so today everything is covered in a nice look layer of ice so let's find out how the model s does on isis and that was at two miles an hour parking lot so let's see exactly how well models does on ice with all-season tires i think main purpose of this video's i want to do a shout-out to my viewers for help not monetary held but autopilot two-point

all is now coming l is out and software updates are being shot out to the colors i paul came here is going to be very much obsolete i really already pushed the limits of autopilot one point oh pretty much as far as i'll be able to pronounce but there is hope tesla has now finished the last doctoral

program which i had been referrals to go to the next event and then somebody cancelled last minute so now i'm down the nine so now i will not be going to the next event but the new referral program is a little bit different let's just cover it and i all show you guys where you guys can help me to be able to make more content for you new

referral program for two referrals you get a carry on rolling carry-on case for three-plus referrals you get a kid's radio flyer model s so the miniature rc car model s naught rc car buffs power wheels radio flyers take things that actually they haven't updated until refresh version yet 5 plus you get a power wall phone to

founders edition 7 plus you get tickets to the model 3 event this this referral program has a maximum of eight referral slots which would have been helpful if the last one had 11 that way i could have gotten an extra referral for when somebody cancelled i still be able to have enough to fulfill the obligation to go to the next event

ah there is also again the drawing so who for each referral you get you get an extra entry to enter the drawing for a loser crispy 100 the model s or model x of your choice now here's where the fun begin they're doing regional awards annual work this time so the first person to 20 referrals for

region get a free s4x of choice so basically gets configured help however you want just like the very first referral program work the first person to 10 referrals got a free s4x this time it's the first person to region 220 referrals and reminder this is this a limit of eight segment at least two maybe three referral programs

to be getting enough to hit the 20 and that folks is where i need your help if you guys can help me get that 21st in north north america then haha then i'm said i could be able to make you guys videos for years to come i know i said that with my 90 being which i didn't pay for however we were not expecting you home

to ross autopilot to point both with fully autonomous hardware this quick so then everybody i don't know what comes after full-time on the hardware besides the hardware and now we got who knows how long for the full autonomous software and then legality so i think we hopefully will be covered for quite a while now the next would-be annual prize

is it's just a cumulative anybody who gets 20 plus referrals gets to swap their car for a week for a tesla of choice i mean that sounds and it's for testing of choice just for a week so you can basically choose whatever configuration you want and drive it for a week i mean big deal other than wanting to get you

saying oh crap this is awesome i'll trade in my old one and take this one so i don't know i'd rather have tickets guaranteed tickets for an event now 15 plus girls yet very well wow good 15 plus referrals gets exclusive priority access for event for up until the end or 30 just december 31st 2018 you also get vip concierge

24-hour 24-7 axis the ip phone for ownership issues so if you have any ownership issues you will get 24-7 vip access ten overnights to test-drive passes big deal i mean if you already have a model s i mean what are you really missing unless she blew all ten overnights test-drive passes at one time and did like a massive road trip lana on

tesla's vehicle and you know put like five thousand miles or 10,000 miles on test vehicle i'm 10-day road terminal and then 10 passes for for to tour the fremont's factoring as tesla owners we already have the ability to tour the fremont factory so i'm not sure what's changing their but that folks is the referral

program for this one's going until sometimes i think march 30th wasn't i i don't have if i do have and to stop and look it up when we come to a stop here this one goes until march 15 so we have 57 days for this stretch of referral program so i think the reason they lowered all the requirements and

only have a 87 for the max price it's probably because so many people ordered before the unlimited supercharging is gone and yet folks at this time limited supercharging at all new orders is done and over as of midnight last night so that covers its i'm hoping you guys can help me and so i can continue to help you if you don't mind sacrificing a

referral here or there of course you can always point to point your friends and family towards my channel not always be held happy to answer any question now i would have to sell my 90 if i got if i what did somehow i doubt i will but somehow managed to be the first person to get 20 you get a free s4x

because there is going to be taxes price taxes and i would have to sell my 90 b to pay off the price taxes and then the rest would go to hang off the remainder of the loan on the 90 so it's not like i'm going to be you know getting yet another vehicle and just you know stockpiling these things so that would be really awesome and thank you guys off

from continuing to be loyal viewers i really appreciated on the level you guys cannot understand i mean you guys watching my channel has actually changed my life considerably for the better very much for the better and i really want to keep doing this for you guys after the long-term saving up some money

to upgrade your would like to get a going to be getting a drone hopefully doing some follow behind videos it was some additional camera equipment that i just didn't have the money to swing before so that would be awesome and i'm going to stop talking now and see you guys later

referral line

referral line

glass is coming too oh my gosh what's up while ambition boyd marlon oh edit what's going on guys hey guys today in this video i want to talk about five ways right but you got to get more sales more sign ups and local versions for your business okay let's talk about five ways to get more sales more sign ups and more converters for your business is

always guys to save time already here i just finished cleaning my email out a little bit actually deleted some of the league's i've been getting over the last few days guys i don't scroll down real fast but once you guys the seat is if you can see right here i can see the day come in the way of guys you see right here waiting model prospect just feel

that enough to influence on our site just following four minute guys this is just the first page just follow me right on down the page as you see that guy's you see that you see these all the leads guys that are coming into my different capture pages every day every hour sometimes even long sleep guys now let me show you something i

want you guys to see this the best way to get more signups more sales more referrals and more conversions for your business guys is to get more leads and the best way to get more leaves at least one of my favorite ways of getting more these is with the like okay this is an automated don't for yourselves follow but it does guys it goes out and it

actually are generates leads for you but not only that it pays you six-dollar commissions at the same time the entire system is automated you guys have been on channel for a while you know how it works i'll do another video and audio while show you guys how you could go in the back office once you have the and connect whatever your primary business

right product or service to the back office early light and actually goes out and promotes both lead like and your primary business at the same time so guys that's one way and that's probably to me the brain first and best way to start getting more leads more sales sign ups and conversions for your best but if you want you got the lightning guys

check this out why don't you buy a solo okay i know a lot of times you know we skate park without money because we know we scatter we don't want to take chances gasps in the internet marketing space it's all about taking chances every single thing you do is about taking a chance guys

so once you get like the guys give it a shot take a chance go over to your place like you to me i'm gonna leave the link below this video guys and run your need lightning capture page with a soul away over you to me okay you don't want to do that can do this guy's go over to your global money it's been awhile since i've been here guys i've been meaning upgrade

let's see what money is already already got their 42,000 so hard and 184 people in my global moneyline you can join us for free people what more needs get to leave like the link go we place you capture page link in there guys and generate some leads that way hello little guys it doesn't matter where your leads are coming from

ok what matters is how you learn to correspond connect with those leaves once you get them stop building a relationship and then ultimately guys growing your business every single day getting more farrell's getting more signups getting more sales and conversions so i'll take place where i can get because i know i'm going to

create a fun we're going to create relationships with this where i can start converting those leads into teaching cash guys right ok so finally got last but not least else you get your lightning of capture page what you want over to future and pro guys you can get a ten dollar advertising package there guys with a

hundred 80 views on your lee lightning automated sales files $10 guys will wrap it up get the fifty-dollar and pack guys and there you'll be able to get 800 views on your li like an automated this building cellphone so listen guys as a student of the game of internet marketing i just want to keep getting better and

better with each passing day i want to become a master marketer and before closed i don't want to ask you guys right stay plugged in and watch for my new delhi perpetual cash strategies and i'm rolling out its gonna show you guys how to do all these types of things are in addition to that guys i mom i'm are i

just started our free email walking crash poor course two point oh you want to be plugged into that two guys you'll get to see actual software that i used to actually got build these photos and that's gonna be a lot of fun too i'm just telling you guys that want you guys to stay motivated i want you guys to stay in this place

where you're able to take action and i want you guys to take you talk about making more money and making money in 2017 got this is where we're going this is what had come join me guys walk with in the meantime if you want more referrals and you want more signs you want more sales and you want more commissions do you have to get more

leads guys and to me one of the best places that you can start and go to start doing that is like one time seven dollars guys like time of leads okay i hope this has been of value to you guys stay plugged in and keep your eyes peeled guys for like daily perpetual cash strategy then rolling out this week on starting to keep your eyes on my new

free email marketing crash course to point o guys but we're gonna be building final full scratch and now they look guys let's make 2017 rock ok anyway guys i'll leave the links for all these are programs all these businesses old we could connect with anything i talked about just now link below this video as always this is your

boy-wallet oh been within your wisdom peace prosperity and to living in internet lifestyle that means keep many guys hope to see you on the inside

referral lawyer

referral lawyer

there are so many lawyer advertisements outthere today, it may be hard to figure out where to turn if you need an attorney. whata lot of people don't realize, and we see in our practice, is that many of the advertisementsaren't even law firms at all. and it's not something that is clear to you when you'recalling back when you see these advertisements. that you don't know these attorneys that arebeing selected for you and you're not even away that they are in fact attorneys. so oftentimes the victims of accidents see a billboard, call the number, think they're calling a lawfirm when in fact they're really just speaking to a lawyer referral service who is goingto pick a lawyer off of their list who may not even live in your community. when you'vehad a serious injury, you're entitled to individualized

service so before going to one of these referralservices, ask, are you going to have an attorney in your community? are you going to have anattorney who understands what your problems are. it's important. the reality is not alllaw firms are created equal and there's a difference in experience and there's a differencein commitment and there's a difference in resources. insurance companies know what lawfirms have the experience, what law firms have a track record, if they're willing totry a case and we feel like at gould cooksey fennell, we have that. we're a team and whenyou come to gould cooksey and you hire an attorney to represent you, you're not justgetting one attorney, you're getting the team. our commitment is to you to handle the casein the best way possible that's going to maximize

the result for you.

referral lawyer service

referral lawyer service

did you know that some of the legal advertisements you see are not for law firms at all? rather, they're promoting lawyer referral services. when you've been injured, should you put your trust in a referral service that may send you to a lawyer who doesn't live and work in your community? instead of calling a referral service, ask someone you trust about the attorneys

at gould cooksey fennell. or visit we are here to help you get the answers you need and the compensation you deserve. gould cooksey fennell, since 1955.

referral law

referral law

effective march 1, 2011 a new law went into effect in massachusetts known as the "massachusetts alimony reform act of 2011" this new piece of legislation limits both the duration and amount of alimony to be paid in a divorce case. the duration of one's alimony payment will now be determined by

the number of years, of months of marriage and the amount of support to be paid will be determined by a percentage of the difference of the parties of gross incomes this new legislation also allows with a suspension or determination of alimony based on retirement, cohabitation or remarriage. it is important to remember that the probate and family court judges here in

massachusetts do possess a wide range of discretion in determining alimony and for how long it should be paid. my name is ira yellin with the law firm of yellin-hyman, p.c. please feel free to call us or visit us on our website if we may be of service to you.

referral information

referral information

being a nurse when i hear thatsomebody has a certain diagnosis i can better visualize what that might mean for that patient so that will help me when i'm asking the questionsespecially if you have somebody that that starting to forget or somebody that that's prone to falls and living alone, or arethey might be in their nineties with the caregiver spouse. you can haveall the services in place

and all the medical appointments in theworld but if you can't get the patient out to the services that a real problem. patients sometimes had to cancel themedical appointments. you find out when you're on thephone with them that they had to cancel because they just cant get at house, or they are they just feel to sick maybe they've caught pneumonia or something after they've had theirsurgery. you're trying to facilitate thembeing able to get to their appointments

as well to help them. we have aninformation and referral database that we can use as well as well get email updates and it might justbe it could be a french service that might be available to some people. so as you're working with your wholeteam somebody will say have you thought of this service and andthat's how you then might be able tohelp that patient in my goal to help other patients.

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