in recent years, with the rise of online peerto peer network sharing programs, possession and distribution of child pornography hasbeen an enforcement priority for law enforcement agencies, both state and federal. the consequences for a conviction of simplepossession of even 1 image or video of child pornography can be devastating. aside fromprison time, a person convicted of possession of child porn is labeled a felon and a sexoffender. registration on the sex offender registry is a requirement for offenders upontheir release from prison. these consequences shatter professional careers and put an enormousstrain on interpersonal and family relationships. a majority of these charges originate frompolice investigation of on-line sharing of
known child pornographic material. policeobtain search warrants to raid people’s homes and confiscate computers, hard drive,ipads, and cell phones in order to search for incriminating evidence. depending on thecircumstances surrounding the raid, arrests may be made immediately or after the forensicanalysis of the seized evidence. each case is different, but there are legaldefenses to fight these charges. however, it is extremely important to have an experiencedattorney help you as early on in the process as possible so that all possible legal defensesare thoroughly explored.
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