Wednesday, May 3, 2017

texas bar find a lawyer

texas bar find a lawyer

i'm stephen hamilton, board certified in criminal law by the texas board of legal specialization and i practice criminal defense in lubbock, tx and on the south plains. part of my practice is dedicated to defending texas tech students in both criminal cases and in student conduct cases brought against the student by texas tech university. i'm also the author of the book,

what every texas tech student should know if they get in trouble with the law. i wrote this book to help texas tech students understand the law and insure that they know their rights and how to protect their future. you can download a free copy of my book at the end of this video tip. the state of texas has 2 criteria that must be met for someone to be charged with

public intoxication. first, the person must have been in a public place and second, that the person presents a danger to either himself or someone else. texas tech campus is considered a public place. schools, office buildings, hospitals, parks;

any venues that are licensed to sell alcohol such as bars or restaurants, sporting arenas, sidewalks and thoroughfares these are all examples of "public places." whether you represent a danger to yourself or another person is wholly subjective it is solely at the discretion of the officer making the arrest. public intoxication is a misdemeanor charge that carries with it a fine of up to $500.

now, that doesn't seem like a huge deal to most of us, but it also carries life insurance consequences, cost, and is a major red flag to employers, landlords, and institutions of higher education. why? because it demonstrates a poor judgment on a person's part and a seemingly indifference to whether those actions might endanger someone else. this is not the kind of person a landlord wants on their property,

or an employer wants working for their company, or a medical, law or other professional school wants on their premises. if you're a texas tech student and you have been charged with an offense, any offense, including public intoxication in texas, on texas tech property, or in texas in general, download a copy of my book, if they get in trouble with the law

and call my office today at 806-794-0394 so that we can begin to address the specific defenses in your case. that's it for today's video tip. thanks for watching and i hope you have a great day.


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