Tuesday, May 2, 2017

state bar find a lawyer

state bar find a lawyer

i think some of the best mentors are the people who oppose you. i was a trial attorney and a trial judge, so when i started out much of the mentoring was built around getting beat up in court, and after some of the attorneys realized i was serious about getting good at it, they started reaching their hands out to me and helping me.

for example, jay schwartz, who was a former assistant attorney general for the state of wisconsin an excellent trial attorney, ornery and mean and all of the things that people look for in a defense attorney, and after a particularly brutal beating one day he looked at me and said, "what are you doing for lunch?" and i grumbled "nothing."

so he said, "do you play chess?" i said "somewhat." so he said, "come over to me office across the street." and that started a pattern where i would go over to his office, especially after we've been in court together and we would play chess and during that period of time he'd explain what i had done right during a hearing, what i'd done wrong, and he gave

me suggestions, all the while he's still beating me at chess. you're going to find other attorneys in equally small firms in your specialty of practice and you can establish a relationship with them and then bounce ideas off of them it may have to do strategy and tactics that may have to do with ethics but there's always going to be somebody out

there that you can talk to. in my case, since i like trial law if i if i lived in an area where there was a lot of trials i'd take off some time and go into court when i knew that a good attorney was going to be doing a jury trial and i'd watch and i'd stay there as long as i can and i'd take notes and i would probably call that attorney up afterwards even

if i didn't know him and say, "i'm tim vocke, i observed your trial, would you answer some questions about your strategy and tactics?" i would join the local bar association, i would try to get on a committee or a sub part of the wisconsin bar association. if you want to learn how to be a divorce lawyer, why not to join that section of the state bar?


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