Thursday, May 4, 2017

the lawyer

the lawyer

and that's our idea. anything jump out to you from a legal perspective? (water pouring) (sigh) well as agency counsel i have to ask. do you have the rights to use all the people? (squeak) yes music? (squeak) yeah

locations? (squeak, bubble) yep (squeaking, dripping) (squeak, dunk) even still, makes me laugh. which spells controversy. what if a consumer group in cincinnati comes after us? why cincinnati? ah, you're right. consumer groups everywhere would come after us. uh i don't think that...

look, there's a lot of risk here and i'm not comfortable sticking my neck out on this one. (squeaking) as long as i work here, this idea will never see the light of day. (squeak sigh, piano music) hi, i'm tham khai meng this years andy awards jury member. did you know every day countless mold breaking culture changing ideas just like this one are being senselessly killed in the advertising industry.

i urge you to join me in the fight to save ideas from these senseless killings. together we can stand up (muffled cries) and fight for the best ideas. (piano music, muffled cries) "great ideas are senselessly killed every day." "we're here to defend the ones that made it out alive." (muffled cries, piano music) (thud)

(piano music) enter the 2017 andy awards.


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