2009 margaret brent award recipient, thehonorable arnette hubbard. born in arkansas, on her grandparents' farm,judge arnette hubbard recalls that she had an instinctual interest in justice.her mother's belief in the golden rule, her grandfather's desire to see themerging of god's law and man's law, and the landmark decision of brown versusboard of education all contributed to her gravitation towards the legalprofession. judge hubbard began her career in 1969 as an attorney for thelawyers committee for civil rights under law. while her career progressed toprivate practice and eventually the bench, her passion for civil rights,particularly voting rights, continued
throughout her career. she served as theonly female member of the chicago board of election commissioners for eightyears. during her tenure, she ensured greater access to the voting processthrough aggressive voter recruitment programs and "desert fax"- a program todeliver absentee ballots to overseas military personnel. in 1992, she waselected president of the association of election commissioners of illinois, and,two years later, served as an official monitor in an american delegation toobserve the first south african election conducted after apartheid was abolished.she was also a member of the united states presidential observer delegationto the historic 1995 elections in haiti,
and was appointed as a judge in thecircuit court of cook county in the law jury division in 1997. elected the following year byeighty-five percent of voters and retained in 2004, judge hubbard continuesto serve on the bench. as the first woman attorney elected to the presidency ofthe national bar association, the nation's largest african-american lawyerorganization, judge hubbard testified before the senate judiciary committee insupport of justice sandra day o'connor's nomination to the supreme court. in oneinstance, the organization prepared to send a delegation to meet with thesecretary of state and other officials
of the white house. the members, all male except for her, suggested that a man lead the delegations, since all of their meetings wouldbe with men. she queried whether they should also hire a white man to lead theteam since all the government officials would be white. in the end, arnette hubbard led that delegation towashington. judge hubbard was the first woman electedas president of the cook county bar association, the nation's oldest african-american bar association. since then, eight other women have risen to thatposition, and she has been inducted into their hall of fame. judge hubbard'saccomplishments, while impressive, do not
fully convey the essence of her fiery,yet nurturing, spirit. despite her trial schedule and various community serviceactivities, she makes time to host law interns in her courtroom for lunch. these visits introduce the youngsters tothe court and enable her to encourage them to develop their networks early andto think of ways to incorporate service into their futures as busy attorneys.judge hubbard uses the vast network she has developed to help women attorneys, asshe has said, find ways around, over or through the hurdles in their careers. shealso makes time to speak to students at her alma maters, southern illinoisuniversity and john marshall law school.
citing her appreciation for theadvancement of the democratic principles of our system of law, judge hubbard helpedform the illinois commission on the fiftieth anniversary of brown versus board ofeducation, and hopes its vision will endure to see brown at 100. in ways bothlarge and small, judge hubbard has demonstrated a professional achievement, acommitment to serve, and an understanding that women with successful careers havean obligation to encourage and assist the women who follow in their paths. inrecognition of her unwavering devotion to the rule of law and the women whopractice, the aba commission on women in the profession is proud to present its2009 margaret brent women lawyers of
achievement award to the honorablearnette hubbard.
throughout her career. she served as theonly female member of the chicago board of election commissioners for eightyears. during her tenure, she ensured greater access to the voting processthrough aggressive voter recruitment programs and "desert fax"- a program todeliver absentee ballots to overseas military personnel. in 1992, she waselected president of the association of election commissioners of illinois, and,two years later, served as an official monitor in an american delegation toobserve the first south african election conducted after apartheid was abolished.she was also a member of the united states presidential observer delegationto the historic 1995 elections in haiti,
and was appointed as a judge in thecircuit court of cook county in the law jury division in 1997. elected the following year byeighty-five percent of voters and retained in 2004, judge hubbard continuesto serve on the bench. as the first woman attorney elected to the presidency ofthe national bar association, the nation's largest african-american lawyerorganization, judge hubbard testified before the senate judiciary committee insupport of justice sandra day o'connor's nomination to the supreme court. in oneinstance, the organization prepared to send a delegation to meet with thesecretary of state and other officials
of the white house. the members, all male except for her, suggested that a man lead the delegations, since all of their meetings wouldbe with men. she queried whether they should also hire a white man to lead theteam since all the government officials would be white. in the end, arnette hubbard led that delegation towashington. judge hubbard was the first woman electedas president of the cook county bar association, the nation's oldest african-american bar association. since then, eight other women have risen to thatposition, and she has been inducted into their hall of fame. judge hubbard'saccomplishments, while impressive, do not
fully convey the essence of her fiery,yet nurturing, spirit. despite her trial schedule and various community serviceactivities, she makes time to host law interns in her courtroom for lunch. these visits introduce the youngsters tothe court and enable her to encourage them to develop their networks early andto think of ways to incorporate service into their futures as busy attorneys.judge hubbard uses the vast network she has developed to help women attorneys, asshe has said, find ways around, over or through the hurdles in their careers. shealso makes time to speak to students at her alma maters, southern illinoisuniversity and john marshall law school.
citing her appreciation for theadvancement of the democratic principles of our system of law, judge hubbard helpedform the illinois commission on the fiftieth anniversary of brown versus board ofeducation, and hopes its vision will endure to see brown at 100. in ways bothlarge and small, judge hubbard has demonstrated a professional achievement, acommitment to serve, and an understanding that women with successful careers havean obligation to encourage and assist the women who follow in their paths. inrecognition of her unwavering devotion to the rule of law and the women whopractice, the aba commission on women in the profession is proud to present its2009 margaret brent women lawyers of
achievement award to the honorablearnette hubbard.
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