Friday, March 31, 2017

lawyer referral ontario

lawyer referral ontario

you know slip and fall accidents havebecome the butt have some humor in our society because people are embarrassed when they fall and sometimes these cases i have developed areputation that's undeserved you know that many people that have fallen in in my experience have suffered some ofthe most devastating injuries and i've seen many over my 32 years as a trial lawyer so don't dismiss these claims i represented a woman that was injuredin a supermarket when she was moving ice

cream from the freezer case behind her was a cart that was used by the stock boy unload groceries he left it in the aisleeven after it finished using it she wasn't aware of it backed up to leave the store and fell down and fractured her hip wellthe store argued she should have seen the car it was there the lighting wasgood she is responsible for her injuries and i argued no she's not the stockboy should have removed the cart when it was empty people are looking in the shelves for products that stores want to sell that's their job

and then they blame people when they'relooking at the products that they want to buy ridiculous we got to the money shedeserved you been injured in a slip and fall accident or trip and fall accident call me i've32 years experience as a trial lawyer and i can help you with your case

lawyer referral number

lawyer referral number

there are so many lawyer advertisements outthere today, it may be hard to figure out where to turn if you need an attorney. whata lot of people don't realize, and we see in our practice, is that many of the advertisementsaren't even law firms at all. and it's not something that is clear to you when you'recalling back when you see these advertisements. that you don't know these attorneys that arebeing selected for you and you're not even away that they are in fact attorneys. so oftentimes the victims of accidents see a billboard, call the number, think they're calling a lawfirm when in fact they're really just speaking to a lawyer referral service who is goingto pick a lawyer off of their list who may not even live in your community. when you'vehad a serious injury, you're entitled to individualized

service so before going to one of these referralservices, ask, are you going to have an attorney in your community? are you going to have anattorney who understands what your problems are. it's important. the reality is not alllaw firms are created equal and there's a difference in experience and there's a differencein commitment and there's a difference in resources. insurance companies know what lawfirms have the experience, what law firms have a track record, if they're willing totry a case and we feel like at gould cooksey fennell, we have that. we're a team and whenyou come to gould cooksey and you hire an attorney to represent you, you're not justgetting one attorney, you're getting the team. our commitment is to you to handle the casein the best way possible that's going to maximize

the result for you.

lawyer referral network

lawyer referral network

hi this is virginia personal injury and caraccident attorney ben glass and one of the questions we get with some frequency in theoffice is, "what should i do immediately after an accident?" well it's funny because somepeople will be calling a lawyer right after an accident, and that's not the answer. look,if you've been hurt, you need to get medical care. if you haven't been hurt, you probablydon't need a lawyer. so get information at the scene if you can. get medical care ifyou're hurt, then later, investigate, see if you whether you actually need a lawyer.i've written a number of books about this, a number of consumer guides. they're all availablefor free at my website at

lawyer referral information service

lawyer referral information service

hi, i'm jo and i'm an information & referral specialist with disability network southwest michigan. if you're a person with a disability and you have questions about housing, transportation, or anyother services that you might need, feel free to give us a call so that wemay be able to assist you.

lawyer referral fees

lawyer referral fees referral fees $20billion lawyer fee secret highmark korean smart stars dot com and here totell you some simple facts about referral fees andpersonal injury cases that might save you tens of thousands of dollars when you have a personal injury case eugenic itself the lawyer takes his fee medical bills have to be paid off

before you get your money but there is a special thing in the longhaul the referral fee its wind one lawyer we went to first refers you to another lawyer who doesthe work and then that lawyer here's the firstlawyer a referral fee referral fees are also known as pepperdog fee a finder's fee a wholesale advertising fee split fee but what it represents his money out ofyour pocket

once you take away the referral fee and you go to a lawyer who is not goingto charge a referral fee you save any where from two sixteen percent are more and that's your money did you keep in your pocket all combined the referral fees that areeven budgeted fade out in america every year motherboard twenty billion dollars peryear

that's your money it should stay in your pocket thank you i'm mark moran for smartcharts that time of the first two thousand thirteen and god bless america

lawyer referral calgary

lawyer referral calgary

hello what if you can give your newborn opportunities that you would only dream ofimagine the possibilities of a world-class education the freedom totravel affordable healthcare an abundance ofcareer opportunities these are all real possibilities thatwould be available to your child if he or she was born in the unitedstates. by giving birth in the us you are allowing this dreams to become areality. your child will be guaranteed to obtain his or her american citizenship and americanpassport and not only does this secure a

prosperous future for your new born but also a better future for yourgrand children as they would become american citizensupon birth as well giving birth to a child inanother country can seem intimidating first you will be faced with many choices anddecisions that is why here at international medicalreferral services we are dedicated to make this processseamless as possible we will take care of all thedetails

from book doctor appointments toimmigration procedures we have every step planned and prepared so you don't have to consider us like a personal assistant we start by picking you up at theairport upon your arrival followed by an information sessioncovering everything that you need to know about a new journey the mother and newborn will then receivethe best medical care available at your disposal will be our extensivenetwork of world-class medical facilities anddoctors we will provide the mother

with a board-certified obstetrician andgynecologist as well as a certified pediatrician forthe child's care delivery will take place at a majormedical hospital in miami florida followed by a two to three dayshospital saty. you will then be guided through the immigration process and paperwork with one of our accreditedimmigration lawyers and with our all-inclusive plan allmedical costs and immigration procedures will be covered imr services willguide you through every step in obtaining the american citizenshipand passport for your child

it really doesn't get any easier thanthat. we never know what the future holds for us so why not prepare for it the best wecan just think of all the doors that we'll in terms of education travel andbusiness opportunities for example as an us citizen your child will have access to manycollege scholarships and federal grants. later on in iife here shewill be eligible to apply for government jobsand benefits by having an american passport

your child can travel abroad knowingthat the us government is behind including assistance from usembassies if needed this is only a small fractionof what the future holds for you and your family we know this is a big decision for you but we at imr services want to ensureyou that you will be looked after in the bestpossible way and that you can give your newborn perhaps the greatest gift to evers receive, anamerican passport and citizenship, confidence and peace of mind.for further details for if you have any

questions feel free to contact us on our website

lawyer referral bc

lawyer referral bc

i know the car accident wasn't technicallyyour fault. but we as the insurance company deny this claim. we might fix your car. but nor your medical bills. no pain, no suffering. it's not possible. oh. you've got a lawyer.

no one said we couldn't settle this one. if you've been injured in an accident, tellthe insurance company you mean business. call brown and crouppen right now.

lawyer referral and information service

lawyer referral and information service

whataretheconsequencesofaduiconviction?youmaybesentencedtojailtimeorcommunityservice andprobationaryperiod,ataminimum.iftheduiissevere,youmayhaveaprisonsentenceandyouwill paycourtcostsandfines.yourdriver'slicensewillbesuspended,aswellaspossibledrugoralcohol treatmentrequirements.mostofourclientsarehardworking,regularpeople.wedon'tjudgepeople, wedefendthem.whenyoucan'taffordaguilty,callus.....

lawyer referral alberta

lawyer referral alberta

municipal court is now in session. i am judge gross. pursuant to court rule, attorney matters are given priority since many attorneys are required to be in other courts meeting at the same time. the court will then call first appearances, guilty pleas and other summary matters. the last order of business will be trials and other contested matters. all proceedings in this court are recorded. no one should be talking in the courtroom other than court personnel and those people addressing the court. cell phones and pagers should be turned off.

you have the right to be informed of your charges and the penalties you face for those charges. you have the right to a reasonable postponement for good cause, such as consulting with an attorney and preparing a proper defense. you have the right to be represented by an attorney. if you elect not to be represented by an attorney for charges which may result in a jail term, loss of your driving privileges or penalties in excess of $750, i will ask you questions to satisfy myself that you are giving up the right to be represented by an attorney knowingly and intelligently.

you have the right to a court appointed attorney if you cannot afford to hire your own attorney and if (a) you face a jail term; (b) a loss of driving privileges; or (c) penalties in excess of $750.00; and you qualify financially. you must complete a form which asks questions about your income and your assets and you may be asked to supply proof of your income, assets and expenses. if you apply for a court appointed lawyer, there is an application fee of up to $200, which the court can reduce or eliminate for good cause. you have a constitutional right to remain silent. no one can force you to testify or make a statement on your own behalf or to call any witnesses or to offer any defense.

if you choose not to testify, it will not in any way factor into my decision as to whether you are guilty or not guilty of the offense charged. you are presumed innocent unless and until you are proven guilty. the prosecutor is the attorney who represents the state and presents the cases to the court. in most cases the prosecutor must prove the case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. it is never your burden or obligation to prove your innocence. you may enter a plea of guilty or not guilty to your charges. if you enter a plea of guilty, you will be giving up your right to a trial and your right to remain silent.

i will ask you questions about what happened to establish what is called a "factual basis" and other questions to satisfy myself that you are knowingly and voluntarily giving up your right to a trial, that you are guilty of the charges, and that you have knowingly and intelligently decided to proceed without an attorney, if you are not represented by an attorney. you may offer any explanation that you think is important to your case and which may affect the sentence that is imposed. if you plead not guilty, you then have the right to have a trial, where you or your attorney may call or subpoena witnesses on your behalf and you may testify or make

a statement if you choose to do so. if you have a trial, i will explain the trial procedure to you before the trial begins. the court has jurisdiction over all traffic offenses that occur in this municipality. if you possess a commercial driving license, the motor vehicle commission may suspend your commercial driver's license if you plead guilty to or are convicted after a trial of certain serious traffic offenses committed in your commercial or your personal vehicle. plea bargaining is permitted by the n.j. supreme court except in certain drunk driving offenses. this means that, except in those cases, you may speak to the

prosecutor about how your case may be resolved. a plea agreement may result in an amendment of your charge to a less serious offense or possibly one that carries no motor vehicle points, or fewer motor vehicle points, a dismissal or merger of some charges, or a specific fine, jail term, or other sentence recommendation by the prosecutor. the prosecutor will generally consult with the officer, who has issued the summons or complaint, any victims, and may review your motor vehicle record or criminal history, in connection with any plea agreement. you should know that if you plead guilty or are found guilty of a charge that

could have been paid through the mail or online, the court is not bound to impose the same fine and costs as you would have originally paid. instead, the court may impose the maximum fine and costs allowed by statute. if i find that you have acted in a willful manner, i have the authority under the law to suspend your driver's license, in addition to imposing fines and costs. in addition to any penalties that i may impose for motor vehicle convictions, additional penalties may be assessed by the motor vehicle commission such as points for moving violations (like speeding or careless driving),surcharges for certain types of convictions or the mvc may suspend your driver's license.

the court is linked to the mvc via computer so any convictions from this court are reported to the mvc upon data entry. if you are an out-of-state driver, the new jersey mvc will report any conviction to your home-state mvc, which may impact on your driving privileges in that state. if you are in court to contest a parking offense, be advised that you do not have the right to remain silent and neither a prosecutor nor the officer issuing the ticket has to personally appear, unless i order otherwise. the proceeding regarding parking offenses is considered civil in nature and you do not have the right to a public defender, and the proof of your guilt need not be

established beyond a reasonable doubt. i may merely rely on three facts: a. an appropriate parking offense is detailed on your summons; and b. it sufficiently identifies the vehicle involved; and c. that the vehicle, according to the motor vehicle commission, was owned or registered by you on the date and the time of the offense. therefore, it is your obligation to tell me under oath why you should not be found guilty. it is not a defense that you never received the parking ticket or that someone

else actually parked the vehicle illegally. you, as the owner of the vehicle, are primarily responsible. you are not restricted in your right to allow family or friends to use your vehicle but if they do and they receive a summons which they do not advise you of, that will not be a defense. you may have a claim against the actual offending driver for reimbursement in the superior court. in parking violations your statement denying your guilt alone may not be sufficient to prove your innocence and your best proofs may be photographs or videos of the location and signs in question.

if you need time to obtain photographs or videos, you can request a short adjournment for that purpose. you have 20 days in which to file an appeal if you are not satisfied with any decision or sentence of this court. your appeal will be heard in the superior court and, in most cases, the superior court judge decides the case based upon the record that we are making (called a transcript). an appeal packet is available in the court office. if you are not a united states citizen and if you plead guilty to or are convicted of certain offenses heard in the municipal court, including some motor vehicle offenses,

it may result in your being deported from the united states or it may prevent you from being re-admitted to the united states if you leave voluntarily, or it may prevent you from ever becoming a naturalized american citizen. you have a right to seek advice from an attorney about the effect a guilty plea will have on your immigration status. if you have any questions that i have not answered, please do not hesitate to ask when your case is called.

lawyer reference

lawyer reference

lawyers are childlike. aren't we? well, look at us! we are always noisy. we are always talking. we always have an opinion, even if it's not well-grounded. well, we are always opinionated, and for those of you who had a chance

to visit the courthouseand be present in court for a trial, you might have also noticed one very particular elementin the lawyers' practice: they ask questions, way too many questions. so, with this rather negative referenceto my own profession, you might well ask how come i became a lawyer myself. and, you know, i could saythat it was almost by chance.

i wanted to be an actor, like one of my granddads. i loved playing, i loved drama in my school, i was prepared to be a historian. i spent seven great years, seven summers, in archaeological expedition schools under the leadershipof the great historians

stefänija urtäne and vladislavs urtäns, digging in latgale,in aglona, in madeläni, the old town of latgalian tribe. when, after these seven years, i came close to graduatingfrom high school, i thought: "well, i am prepared to pass the exams and enter the history school," when my motherand my girlfriend suggested:

"well, why don't you try goingfor the same exams, but for the law school?" because, you know, at that time — and it was 1989 — the law school didn't differ muchfrom the history school. it was too abstract, there were many subjectsrelated to history, so i thought: "i'm not giving up too much, if i'm going to passmy exams at the law school."

so i did. after i entered the law schoolwith a rather good score, i gathered with all my friends from the archeology circle, from the young archaeologists association, and went to see our mentor,our teacher vladislavs urtäns, who was rather ill then, in the summer of 1989. it was his last summer.

we all went to see himto the gaiä¼ezers clinic. he was fragile, and we saw that his days were numbered. and we thought,"well, we need to cheer him up." he was our moral authority, he was our tutor, we learned a lot from him. he has, after all, a phd in history, he was an archaeologist,a famous archaeologist in latvia,

and he had a tough life. he was actually sent twice to siberia, just before the second world warand immediately after, and the only reason wasthat he was too [open-minded] too open [in his opinions], and he dressed like a bourgeois — at least some might have thought thenthat he dressed like a bourgeois. we went to see vladislavs urtäns, and all of us started [to talk about]what schools we were going to learn at.

then, when my turn came — you know, there were historians, there were peoplewho were studying foreign literature — i said with pride, "i'm going to be a lawyer." his reaction was shockingly crushingfor me, he was so sad. he didn't elaborate,he didn't explain why, but then i thought that obviously this is oneof those [pieces of] advice

that you don't say out loud, you need to understand it, it's not going to be explained. and with the really hard lifeof vladislavs urtäns in the totalitarian state, — the state that was dominatedby unjust laws and dishonest lawyers — his attitude towardsthe law school and lawyers might have been as harsh. [so all my life],

[since 25 years ago], i've tried to live by and always have in my practice,this vladislavs urtäns' test, whether i am doing well and whether he would look at me and say: "it's a shame you became a lawyer." well, i had a kind of a compromiseduring my university years. i thought: "well, i'm goingto stay in the university." i was invited to stay and helpa professor to prepare lectures,

and then, later on, lecturephilosophy of law and legal ethics. i thought it was perfectly in line with what i [thought] a proper, good,and honest lawyer should do. until one very nice summer day, when i was barefoot, with my leather backpack,t-shirts, shorts, and crossing the town square in the old part of riga, in vecrä«ga, when i suddenly saw [one of] my classmates,

a course matewho was a great friend of mine. we were both kind of revolutionaryin the law school, against all the existing standards,against the system, and [now], suddenly, i see himin a black, dark suit and black tie. i was like: "hey, you look likeyou've [just had a] court case, "and it seems that it was successful." he said: "yes, indeed. moreover, i've gotmy own law firm. come join me!" and i said: "law firm?no, no, no, that's not for me. i'm going to be an honest lawyer.

"i'm not going to havea [law practice]." (laughter) he said: "let's go and prove that you can be an honest lawyer, practicing not just legal rules, but also doing justice within a private, commercial law firm." then i thought, "why not?i'm going to try." and, you know, one of my first cases

was a case which i had to takebecause it was mandated. you all knowthat in our latvian constitution we have article 92 which suggests that everyone has the right to a lawyer, to a qualified lawyer, to an advocate. so even those people who cannot affordto pay for legal services, have a right to claim a lawyer when they need one. so i was assigned to defenda minor in a criminal case

which was, to put itin simple terms, rather blunt. a young boy — well, he's not a boy, he was a teenager,obviously a rather revolutionary one — broke into a parking lot, opened up the hoodand took out a car battery, which was qualified as theft, and not just as a [common] theft but theft under aggravating circumstancesfrom closed premises. because if the car is locked,

the lawyers would sayit's a closed premise. i examined the case, and i went on,started to defend the guy, and then, luckily enough, one day his brotherentered the courthouse. he came from a rather difficult family, and his childhood wasn't the best one, but then his elder brother talked to me, and i realized that he worksin a car repair shop.

so then, i opened up my law book and said: "well, instead of applying a sanctionto this young boy who made this crucial mistake which could detrimenthis whole future life, why don't we have himunder the custody of his elder brother who is actually workingin a car repair shop? effectively, what [he proved] by opening up the hoodand stealing the battery was that he loves cars so much

that when you'll put himin a car repair shop, that is going to be his place." well, the court was surprised, the prosecutor's officedidn't expect this move, but then they all said,"well, why don't we try?" i think this first case showed meone of those great tools, one of the values which, i think,is important for a lawyer's practice. it is 'trust your client', and even if it's doubtful,

even if you don't entirely agree to what has happenedand why that has happened, do trust your client. this might sound idealistic, but frankly speaking, idealism is somethingthat we very often miss. and for this reason, this is another value,another important element, in the lawyer's practice.

you have to be an idealist, you have to believe in things that most of the people don't believe in. when last year, november 21st came to riga, you all rememberthat it was a great tragedy to us. the supermarket in zolitå«de collapsed, the roof crashed over the headsof more than 50 people who remained buriedunder the ruins of the supermarket.

one of the first to react was the advocates association,the latvian bar association, which immediately promisedto offer free of charge, legal assistance to those people who lost their loved ones, to those who suffered in this tragedy. and, even now, when you look at the websiteof the latvian bar association, you will see that there aremore than 150 people, — this is three times as muchas there were sufferers —

three times as much lawyers who are ready to providetheir legal services free of charge, without asking any moneyfor what they will do for those people. you might think, this isa great opportunity, but then again, think about thosethey are going to fight against. those are superpowers, companies with enough cash to [hire]the best of my colleagues in town. so this is and this is going to bea very hard battle. and for the people in this battle,

they are doing it out of a strong sense of idealism. so here is the third important value: go on, be active, even if it hurts, even if there are hard times. and this is something that helps not just lawyers, but, i think, all of us to wake up every morning and say, "well, i'm here,and i'm here to help people." when i had a little chat few days ago,with my youngest daughter zelda,

she said: "daddy, you know, you arethe best daddy one can have." i said: "no, why? why do you say so?" then she said: "because, you know,you are like a child." and i was going to say: "well... should i be happyfor this or should i laugh?" but then i put these two things together, i thought: "yes!this is exactly how i feel." a child — a child trusts people, even if there might not beproper grounds for that.

a child is full of idealism, he or she believes that the worldreally is a great place, a child is ready to stand up after he had hurt his knees, and go on, and be active again. so i wish for the lawyers, for my colleagues, and for everyone hereto be like a child. be cheerful, be open, trust people, be an idealist,

and be active,even if no one is expecting this. thank you. (applause)

Thursday, March 30, 2017

lawyer referal

lawyer referal

virginia state bar video briefs you've decided you need a lawyer. now, you need to decide what kind of a lawyer you want. you're going to have to do a little work, a little research. do you need a lawyer to help plan your estate, or write a will, or represent you in a court case, or for some other reason? a lawyer you would hire to help write your will may not be qualified to represent you in court. all lawyers are not the same. the right lawyer is the person who has experience handling matters

like yours, and who is prepared to take action right away. how do you find a lawyer? well, there's always the phone book. or, try talking to friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members. ask people who may have had a legal matter like yours. or, if you already have a lawyer, ask for a referral to someone who has the background and experience you need. you can try the internet . many lawyers and law firms have web sites. and there are lawyer referral services available.

the virginia state bar's lawyer referral service can be reached at 1-800-552-7977 or in richmond at 775-0808. a specialist there will give you the names and numbers of lawyers in your area who do the type of work you need. a first consultation costs only thirty-five dollars. after you've set up a meeting with the lawyer you might want to hire, prepare for your meeting. get whatever papers you might need together and send them to the lawyer in advance.

prepare questions you have. maybe write a short summary of your case. ask about costs. there are different kinds of fees a lawyer might charge: an hourly fee, a fixed or flat fee, a contingency fee. get a fee agreement in writing, and make sure you understand it. there's a lot of work to do before you hire a lawyer. and the virginia state bar can be a big help. our publications department has a document called "selecting and working with a lawyer." it's a good place to start.

to get a copy go to our website at, or call the state bar at (804) 775-0500.

lawyer referal service

lawyer referal service

are you a lawyer or law firm? lawyerloops is a revolutionary legalnetworking system that will change the way legal professionals connect with clients andother lawyers lawyerloops is a very effective andeconomical way to network. statistics show over 68 million people around the world search for lawyers online. research shows at least eight out of ten people online are influenced by reviews and ratings. you need to market yourself effectively online to generate traffic to your website. lawyerloops will significantly increaseyour online visibility and promote your profile. not only will you be able to market yourself on the internet but,

you will have access to amazing features like being able to have your own task manager, calendar and booking system, you will have full control over your profile,and be able to monitor your traffic flow, have access to potential client referrals, post articles, announcements, career andclassifieds. finally there is a web community built forlegal professionals. join now! it's free! for more information please visit us at

lawyer recommendations

lawyer recommendations

- we're with john kelly, john kelly's a personal injury attorney in phoenix, arizona, and he's agreed to answer some online questions for us. a specific question was, "john, do i need to hire a lawyer after a car accident?" - thank you ryan for the question. you know, there's a good reasonthat people need to at least call an attorney up and talk to them about their accident.

you know, any time someone's in an accident, they're stressed out, they are injured, potentially, they have medical expenses, they have doctor's appointments, and, to worry about the legal aspect of making a claim is not necessarily on the top of their list, but, to be honest,sometimes it should be. and attorneys, you know, if you get a good attorney, they're not gonna be pressuring you,

they're not gonna makeyou come in immediately, they're not gonna tell you that you have to sign away your potential settlement. they're gonna sit down with you and tell you, "here's what you're facing, here's some ideas of what you might want to do moving forward." for most personal injury attorneys, that initial consultation, completely free,

don't have to worry about putting down money for that. so it's no pressure. you come in, you speak to an attorney, sits down with you and makes you feel comfortable, and talks you and walksyou through the process, and tells you what you need to know, moving forward. now, most attorneys will tell you, "look, there is a lot of hiccups that come with these kind of cases, you may wanna consider

hiring an attorney, because these insurance companies aren't necessarily your best friend. they may want to get a statement from you right away, they may want to try to settle your claim as soon as possible, and send you a check and say, "look, sign off on your settlement," before you even knowwhat your injuries are, so that's, you know, a dangerous situation, and you don't want to fall prey to that.

so, i would suggest that anyone that has this type of situation at least call an attorney, tell them the facts of your case, walk them through it. most attorneys will take the time to sit down with you and say, "look, here's what i think about your case, here's your potential issues moving forward, here's some things you can do to make sure that you're not losing your direction

moving forward and can potentially make a good claim here, and get a settlement." so, if you have those kind of issues, you can call my firm, and most attorneys will do that for you. - excellent. well thanks for your time, john. if you have any additional questions for john, just go down to thecomments section below.

he typically answers those, usually within 24 hours on work days, so just post your questions, and thanks again for your time, john. - thank you.

lawyer ratings

lawyer ratings

today i want to talk to you about impairmentratings under iowa law. we often hear questions about 'what is an impairment rating?', 'ismy impairment rating correct?' what an impairment rating is, is a number from a book. this isthe book that is used to evaluate impairment ratings here in iowa. it's called the amaguides 5th edition. doctors got together and determined what numbers are appropriate forcertain injuries. for example if you've had a herniated disk in your lower back thatrequires surgery that you make a good recovery from you are probably going to get somewherefrom 10 and 12 percent body as a whole impairment rating. not a scientific thing, its just anumber from a book. what's most important to remember about impairment ratings is thatin an industrial injury case it's only a part

of what you are probably owed in your case.also if you qualify for the iowa second injury fund act, then you may also receive more thanjust that impairment rating. so that's what an impairment rating is, often times it'sonly a small part of your case. what's more important is your ability to work, your permanentrestrictions, your earnings; those type of things. so if you want more information aboutthe iowa workers' compensation system to find out if you qualify for industrial disabilityor a schedule member injury, then go ahead and request our book that we offer at no cost,risk or obligation, that provides you the injured worker with the injured workers' billof rights, and also reveals 7 deadly mistakes and how to avoid them under iowa workers'compensation law. the books' available at

no cost, risk or obligation so go ahead andrequest it now. thanks for watching and i hope you'll learn a lot from our book. takecare.

lawyer rating service

lawyer rating service

for more than 130 years, lawyers have relied on the avâ® preeminentâ„¢ rating while searching for their own expert attorneys. now you too can look this important, trusted rating when choosing an attorney. the martindale-hubbellâ® avâ® preeminentâ„¢ rating is the highest possible rating for an attorney for both ethical standards and legal ability. this rating represents the pinnacle of professional excellence. it is achieved only after an attorney has been reviewed and recommended by their peers - members of the bar and the judiciary. this attorney has achieved an avâ® preeminentâ„¢ rating from martindale-hubbellâ®. it is a privilege to recognize the accomplishments of this preeminentâ„¢ attorney. find out more lexisnexisâ® martindale-hubbellâ®.

lawyer questions

lawyer questions

>> ryan: today, we are with david black. davidblack is a criminal attorney in phoenix, arizona. he's agreed to answer some questions todayrelated to dui. these are answers to specific questions posted on the internet. for thoseof you who post your question, obviously you are going to get your answer right away. forthose of you who just watched the video, if you are having charged for the dui, specificallyin the phoenix area feel free to reach out to david. also, he's agreed to answer directquestions at the bottom of these youtube videos. if you have a question for him, all you haveto do is simply post your questions down there and hopefully within the next 24-48 hours,he can get back to you with answer. obviously, you can also reach out to him directly. withthat said, david, i want to go ahead and go

for the first question that was posted foryou. will i need to go to trial for a dui? >> david: ryan that is a good question andit's not an uncommon question. in criminal cases, trials are actually quite rare. why?i would say is that trials in dui cases are a little bit more common than a standard gigand that is simply because prosecution is typically tough for dui's and they reallydon't negotiate as much. so we do more trials with dui's than any other case. still we arelooking at 10% or less. ultimately, the decision to go to trial is always up to the clientadvice whether or not we can get a deal that is good. obviously if we can get a dismissalbefore trial, that is best. but the decision to go to trial or not is actually always thedecision made by the client and not by us.

so that's something that you have to do inyour investigation for months, negotiating with the prosecutor, realizing that franklythere's no benefit or bargain and we might just not go ahead to trial. but you do nothave to be afraid. some people hire me and they are afraid i am going to walk in intotrial. i might advise a trial but [00:01:49.21] >> ryan: okay. next question for you was,how are my dui charges different since i had a minor in the car with me? >> david: ryan that is a good question. inorder for it to make a difference, there will have to be a minor fifteen years or youngerin your vehicle when you get a dui. that would actually make it a felony dui, an aggravateddui. there are two types of aggravated dui,

one is a class 4 felony, and one is a class6 felony that should be less serious version of the class 6 felonies. nevertheless, itis still punishable by imprisonment as much longer period of suspension actually resultsto your driving privilege. that is about the consequences that would be happening but forthe minor who is 15 or 17 years old who will be called out, no difference whatsoever. >> ryan: okay. next question we have, i liveout of state. can you still defend me for a dui? >> david: ryan, there are two considerationsthat we want to look at if somebody lives at a state and hiring us. the first is, whetheror not the felony you are going to have to

come in and out. we can likely make it travelin and out of arizona and comes out for court. and you are going to have you appearance tosuperior court and i know that unless you will not appear- at least some of the times,sometimes we would waive our appearance. now misdemeanors with the exception of a few courtsaround the area or frequently minimize for us not to appear at all. what i mean wheni say that they hire us, more quash, we can get a proof for them and frankly telling themif we get the case, "i'm sorry if we have evidentiary hearing or trial" >> ryan: okay. the last question we have herefor you. this one is pretty common one we have. how much do you charge to defend a dui?

>> david: ryan, that depends on a number offactors. whether or not we hire our next witness. whether or not we go to trial. your typicaldui fees begin at a $4000 flat and it can go all the way up to $10,000 or $30,000 ifit is a felony dui. you can really expect a flat rate somewhere between $46,000. ifit is a first time, misdemeanor dui, that is obviously subject to change and each isdifferent sometimes go over better. and sometimes for a variety of reasons, we have to chargehigher than $6000 dollar range for the misdemeanors. obviously, felonies are even more and peopleare looking at prison time. [00:04:40.00] >> ryan: all right, makes sense. with thatsaid, that was the last question we have for the day. if you are watching the video, asi mentioned, you can post the questions below.

david's agreed to get back to you. also, hiscontact information is in the comment section of this video. feel free to reach out to himdirectly if you have any questions. david, i want to thank you for your time. >> david: thank you so much, ryan for yourtime.

lawyer pictures

lawyer pictures

we are incurring a loss.where are all of you. the tables have been turned. we were planning to close themill and build a 7 star hotel there. and now here's a noticefrom the government. lf the mill shows a loss. the government will declareit as a sick unit and take over. l suggest that you givea bonus to the workers. and have the mill started. or we shall losewhat we would earn through.

evasion of exciseand import license. why should we givea bonus to the workers. 2400 workers haven't been givena bonus since the past 6 years. can you even imaginethe huge sum involved. uncle l thinkthis is the only solution. we can save the mill and get theblessings of the poor mill workers. lt isn't our dutyto look afterthe poor. my policy is very clear. damn the poor and donatesome money to an orphanage.

this will earn you a good name. we are rich because we know howto keep the poor as poor as ever. absolutely right. my suggestionwould be to set the mill ablaze. neither will we have to givea bonus nor will it be seized. here comes uncle singhal.- you have a meeting at 10 o'clock. and lunch at the oberoi. greetings mr. singhal.please have a seat. what's going on? what are you discussing.

you seem so though nothing has happened. we havejust 8 days.- take a look. lf we lose this valuableland to the government. your dream of earning millionsby opening a 7 star hotel. will remain a dream. my dreams have always come true. don't worry. let ravi come back. all issues system will be solved.

but where is your son in law.why not come to this meeting. he has gone to delhi. to defend a minister's son in the high court. mr. ravi, he has molestedmany girls in the past. will the minister'sson get away this time? mr. ravi. good morning mr. ravi. my son has raped a woman.

if this is true,i shall prove it wrong. there is one thing that surprises me. indian penal code, section 302,defines the punishment for murder why don't we have asimilar punishment for rape? why is a rapist punishedunder section 310 of the ipc.. ..which is comparable to the crimeof pick pocketing and harassment. thereby the rapist ispunished only for 7 years. had it been in my hands.. ..i would have therapist sentenced to death.

sir, is ravi verma arguingfor your son or against him? the sad part of it is thatthe innocent rape victims.. ..often do not get justice. because women like ms.ragini use the term rape.. a weapon infavour of themselves. and because of such women.. ..the pleas of the actualrape victims goes unheard. objection my lord! mr. ravi isnullifying my client's claim. whereas i have producedthree witnesses

who have seen ms. ragini, come out of mr. vijay'sroom in a shocking state. i think my colleaguehas not heard of women, who tear their own clothes andthus create a scene in public. objection!this is a false allegation! mr. prosecutor, if you beginto decide what is right or wrong then why do we need the judge? objection over ruled. my colleague here justspoke of three witnesses.

the receptionist, waiter and thegatekeeper of hotel blue moon. i would like to question them. because until now they have statedonly what they were questioned about. what they were questioned about. however they failed to mention, that they have seen ms. raginimany times in the hotel spending nights in different rooms, that's a lie! how much do you chargefor one night, ms. ragini?

2000? 2500? or is it 3000? any more nonsense andi'll slit your tongue! but definitely not 500,000 whichyou demanded from mr. vijay. you rascal! i'll kill you! i won't be surprised! a woman of your character who can blackmail men can even commit a murder.

you rascal! just shut up! okay?- order! your honour, i haven't takenany money from anybody. i haven't taken any money. just a minute ms. ragini. let me speak. my lord, mr. ravi is givinga wrong twist to the case. my lord, here is the list ofms. ragini's clients

who have paid over 2,000to spend a night with her. some of them are even present here. you have produced fake witnesses. what about your three witnesses?- that's no big deal. you must have bribed them tospeak in favour of your client. these are very serious allegationsyou're making against me. can you prove this? you know it can't be proved. then allow the courtproceedings to continue.

firstly i would..- may i approach the bench, my lord? come to my chamber. the court is adjournedfor 10 minutes. you're wrong in proving a decentwoman to be of loose character. this is nothing. i'll level one morecharge against her. a million for defamation! the punishment for blackmailingis 3 years with a fine. in case she doesn't pay the fine,

the punishment will beincreased by 2 years. excuse me mr. ravi. if i withdraw the rape case do you promise youwon't file a case of blackmailing anddefamation against ms. ragini? i won't. i promise. ms. ragini's lawyerhas withdrawn the case. hence the court acquitsmr. vijay mehta.

you were amazing, mr. ravi! here is your fee. and as i had promised, these are the documentsfor 17 acres of land which now belongs to you wife. warn your son not tocommit another rape or else! the next timei'll charge double the fee. kajal! kajal! "o stranger!"

"tell me just this much," "my love." "why is your stole flying so" "even the wind asks you so" "who am i to you?" "you are related to me.""as breath is to life." "you're my better know it." hello!- what are you doing, my love? why do you want to know?you were expected yesterday.

are you calling from the car? flight got cancelled.- don't tell me! two hours until the next flight. i'll be damned!- damn your enemies? i'll be there soon. but don't let the fervor die down.- shut up! aunt!- yes, child? ravi just called.his flight got cancelled. he'll take anothertwo hours to get here.

so what? two hours will fly by. pooja too will beback from her tuitions. then what's the use? hello!- hello. now what are you doing, dear?- i am preparing to die. i'm wondering if i should hangmyself or electrocute myself. what about your next flight?- it will be done. the joy for waiting for one'slove is all together different. patience bears fruits.

you give big advicefrom a distance. come face to face! and what if i do? i'll throw you on the bed. then? - and then i'll remove yourtie and shoes and fling them aside. then?- then i shall kiss you. then? - should i tell youeverything on the phone? i'm only inquiring aboutthe menu on the phone. i'll savour dinner in our bed.

you rascal! ravi! - rascal is at your service,my dear! come here.- i don't believe this. you love to tease me, don't you?- i love it. shall we? i'm not in the mood.- to hell with your mood? i won't let you gotoday.- ravi, don't! not in the mood indeed!i'll get you into a mood! when you breathe,my heart starts beating wildly.

really? when you open your mouth.. feels as thoughyou are whispering out my name. these eyes.. whenever i look into these eyes.. i feel as though i amdrowning deep into the ocean. - never mind. - let me answer. let me answer that. hello. - kajal.

hello papa. has ravi returned? - yes, he has. shameless! father, he is back.- when did he come? it's been quite some time.- call him. i'll just call him. ravi! father is on the line. give it here. - talk to him. hi dad.- wel-come dear.

was your flight delayed? yes, it was. there's an urgent meeting. what's the urgency?- get to the club. we'll discuss it there. okay dad. meet be there. there is an urgent meeting.we have to go to the club. get ready. okay? aunt!

come, my doll!- has papa returned? yes. we're getting late darling.- papa! papa, where are you going?- hello, dear! your grandpa has called us.we're going there. i'll also come. you have your exams. i will come!- you are ruining dad's clothes. come here, my child.

kajal, let's go.- son, have this holy water. times are bad. kajal, you too have it.- c'mon, aunt! aunt, pacify her.she has lost her mood. my child.- don't worry. i used to pacify you too. bye, pooja. bye!- bye aunt! bye my dear!- let's go.

now my girl will have juiceand then what will she do? aunt, did you pacify mom as well? yes, i'd do that when shewas at your grandpa's house. then how did mother come here? she came here after shegot married to your father. how did you come here?- i came as part of her dowry. does an aunt come as dowry?- but i did. well done, ravi! your delhi case has madeheadlines in every newspaper.

you turned the tables. i was contemplating on committinga couple of crimes. you are always there to save me. what is the problem, dad? son, see for yourself. it's a notice regarding the mill. kajal, your husband is magician.i tell you! this was just a rape case. her husband got the accused inthe bomb blasts case acquitted

with a snap of his fingers! only such people can pay his fees. the decent can'tafford her husband. in the delhi case, the girlwas proved to be a prostitute. the poor girl kept pleading in vain. your husband is very intelligent!my god! dad, this is not a problem. use an old remedy. burn down the mill!- i had suggested the same.

hadn't i? the government won't beinterested in a burnt mill. so ultimately,the land will remain yours. we could lie low for a while. and then you could take permissionto build a 7-star hotel. but dad! but before burning down the mill,check the insurance. pay up old premiumsif they are pending.

the money recovered from itcan be used for the hotel. we can even take a loan from themarket on the pretext of a stock. that would be an added profit. but remember one thing. the mill should becompletely destroyed. the fire brigade should reach on the scene at least 3-4 hours later. but there's a risk in it. if the fire spreads,

the people in the neighbouringcolony could get killed. in a war innocents also die. what can we do about it? excuse me. greetings mr. singhal.hello mr. ravi. dad, can we leave? happy birthday.- thank you dad. shall we leave? okay, good night. see you.

okay bye.- okay, bye dad. dad.- bye son. let's go sweetheart. where are they going, mr. singhal? he won't wait today. - why? it is the 18th of june today? what's special about the 18th? i became a father on this day. happy birthday, darling.

love you. here is your birthday present. a beautiful farmhouse near delhi. 17 acres in all. what would i do with a farmhouse?- what can you do? you'll play in the gardenand catch butterflies. i have already imagined myselfsaying these things to you. i had said the same thing and youhad given exactly the same answer. what would you do with a farmhouse?

you know darling..- is this true, ravi? what? that you proved a simple andinnocent girl to be a prostitute. who told you? and you also got an acquittalfor the accused who had killed severalpeople in the bomb blasts? come here darling. come. i am a lawyer. i have to argue the casesbrought to me.

despite knowing that you aredoing wrong and committing a sin? there is no such thingas a sin or a good deed. one must work as per thedemands of one's position. this is what's called a noble deed. isn't it? what happened? no, ravi. a sin is a sin. god is watching.

if god rewards one's noble deeds, he also punishesfor committing a sin. all right. god, if i commit a sin,please punish me for it. is that all right, darling? today i'll ask god topunish me for your sins. why are you ruining my mood? it would be a punishment when you lecture the person wholoves you instead of loving him.

you are my life, aren't you?- yes, you are. you are my heart, and my love. "your lovely face is my dream." "i can't measure my love for you." "i am lost. let's look for me." "love has me so confused." "love has a strange destination." "we don't know where we are."

"now we have to walk this path." "no matter what, we can'tchange our destination." "two lovers in solitudewith no one else around." "this body.. formed of fragrances" "i am your." "image of love." "why does your touch leaveme burning with desire?" "it moulds itselfin to vibrant colours"

"my breath is like a spark." "it is the heat ofmy yearning eyes." "i am a thirsty are the rain-laden cloud." "your lovely face is a dream." "i can't measure.- i can't measure." "i can't measure." last night, the metropolismill caught fire because of which the entire mill.. cheers!

cheers!- cheers! our correspondents got there and spoke to the municipalcommissioner mr. satya prakash. he rules out the possibilityof an accident. here is a report. the mill was deliberatelyset on fire. what makes you say that? the mill is showing aloss since eight years. the workers were not paid fullysince 6 years nor got any bonus.

the mill has been closedsince 4 months. and the workers have beenon a strike since 64 days. no fire had broken out then! but the mill caught fire theday they received a notice from the labour court thatgovernment will seize the mill. but it could also be a coincidence. but after repeatedly calling them.. the fire brigade could not reachthe incident place before 3:30 hours. it could not be a coincidence.

i'll get to the rootof this matter. i'll have it thoroughlyinvestigated. and i shall see to it thatthe person responsible for this is taken to court and getsthe severest of punishments. tables have turned.- we are doomed! satya prakash isa very strict officer. he'll surely do as he says. you get upset very soon. look at the situation carefully.

may i come in sir? yes, come in. i am a very big fan of yours,mr. satya prakash. the entire city knows you're a man of principlesand an honest officer. whereas the entire countryknows you, mr. ravi verma. come to the point. you are famous for this. let's come to the point.

i am here on behalf of theowner of the metropolis mill. the mill which you have sealed. the mill was burned down. and i have confiscated the land. my client wants to builda hotel on that land. i've come to youfor the permission. let alone a hotel, i won't let you lay asingle brick over there. your client has notonly burned down the mill

but has destroyedthe homes of the poor. do you know how many preciouslives were lost in it? - yes. i was sorry to hear about that. but my client is readyto pay 50,000 rupees to the family of everydeceased person. 50,000! impressive!how unfortunate is our country? here you can buy votesfor 50 rupees. cause riots for 5000 rupees.

get somebody murderedfor 25,000 and now you're out to seal thelips of the poor with 50,000. but remember,i won't let this happen! these people will testify in court that the mill owneris responsible for their burnt homes and deathof their near and dear ones. you're taking this too far. tell me your price. you heard right.tell me your price.

you just said i am very honest. and now you intend to bribe me? honesty is very strange. a man refuses10,000 andlives up to his honesty. but if the amount involved is amillion, the man begins to think. but if he gets billions hedecides to lose his honesty. maybe he can make an offeringat the temple and apologize and promise to be honestin future. so what about you?how much do you want?

yes sir. since you are a lawyer, i can't put you behindbars for trying to bribe me. throw him out of here! get out! mr. satya prakash, since i ama lawyer, i take a fee for my advice. but i'll give you a freeadvice before leaving. don't try to swim againstthe current. you'll tire out. you'll drown!

you'll be swept away! have a nice day sir. -will the 13th of april be fine?-as you deem best. karan too should beback for holidays. please accept these gifts. now our daughter belongs toyou, and your son to us. why hasn't vinay come as yet? here he comes. come, vinay.- i've come to arrest you, sir.

you shouldn't joke with your elders. i wish it was a joke. but he has been accusedof accepting bribe .. from a certain mr. purshottam. and unfortunately, i have beenassigned the duty of arresting him. you're well aware that my fatheris the most honest man around. let's go, sir. i haveyour arrest warrant. wait. ..don't do this, son. he is your father-in-law.he is like your father.

i am like your mother.yet i beg of you. don't make things difficult for me. come on, sir. what sort of duty is this?! you fail to distinguish betweenthe right and wrong. don't commit this sin, son. he will die if his reputationis tarnished in any way. now that's enough. i have been asked to pay the priceof honesty. let me pay it.

but don't stop your might need them again. let's go, inspector. stop it.- excuse me inspector. can i talk to him for a moment? all right. there's no harm done as yet, sir. withdraw the investigationon the mill. and i'll withdraw every singleaccusation laid on you. you have a lot of guts.

i always thought a liedepends on truth. such things can be found onlyin books. and life isn't a book. take my advice. i am like your son. no! you are like my son indeed! i would have died of shameif i had a son like you! you have no values in life. you have sold your consciencefor money. no! my son is not like you. my son can sacrifice hislife for the truth.

he can give up hislife for his duty. my son is a terror for theenemies of our country. sir, we have surroundedthe terrorists. captain karan is in command sir. out sir we have found out theterrorist hide out.. ..where they have hiddenthe children. we are missing mother. habibullah! you will kidnap children, will you?!

you bastard! look at the fear in their eyes. i want to see the samefear in your eyes! no..don't kill me.don't kill me. don't shoot me. don't shoot.- you will kill children, will you?! karan, control yourself! he is dead.- i know he is dead. happy birthday.- thank you. happy birthday.

we are proud of braveofficers like you. everybody is brave.i am a bit lucky. "your luck..!" "your luck.." "your luck has changed" "dance away, miss no chance" "your luck.." "your blue eyed lucky boy" "he drinks the wine of love"

"although a denial on her lipsshe said it all in gestures" "her ways left me captivated" "she stole the heartof a bachelor boy" "in her sly ways shecast a spell on me" "your lucky boy" "i woke up with a start to checkwho walked down my lane" "it could be the one i imagined" "who is the one whowalked down my lane" "my heart skipped a beatat every tap of her heel"

"her ear-rings sway in her ears" "how lucky they are tocaress her rosy cheeks" "the young nubile girl has left mecrazy in her love" "your luck.." "listen, dear friend, you don'treturn a heart once taken" "silver anklets tinkle on you feet" "even the serpent is crazy aboutthe plait in your hair" "your sweets words winme over" "your luck.." "he drinks from the wineof love" lucky boy" "her ways left me captivated.

she stole the heartof a bachelor boy" "your lucky boy" "he drinks from the wine of love" all right dudes! i never took bribe.try to understand me. mr. singhal and mr. natwartried to bribe me.. ..they wanted me to withdraw theinvestigation instituted against.. ..the fire that gutted downthe metropolitan mill. and since i didn't accept..

you are digressing from the topic. you are not being held for notaccepting bribe from them. you are being held for takingbribe from this gentleman. your honour, mr. singhal & saxenaare not related to the case. this is mr. purshottam's case. and mr. satya prakash acceptedbribe from him. hence, i request you notto waste any more time.. ..and call upon mr. prakash'sassistant commissioner.. ..and his other staff membersto the witness-box.

they have seen mr. satyaprakash accepting bribe. permission granted. - thank you. i'll begin from the start. i would like to call upon.. satya's prakash'strustworthy peon rampal singh. may ramlal singh comeinto the witness-box. now what do i say, sir?i shouldn't be speaking so. but i saw him accepting the bribe. keeping all the evidencesand testimonies in mind..

..the court holds mr.satya prakash .. guilty of accepting bribe.. ..and sentences him to a rigorousimprisonment of 2 years. don't worry. i haveasked karan to come. we shall appeal in the high court.don't worry. move. inspector, stop them. come on. come on. let's go. come on. come on. let's go.

amazing! god does not strike witha blow. fear the lord. the public isn't pelting stonesat my pious husband. it is you who are doing it. you will have to pay the pricefor it. remember this! come on.- call my karan please. let's move. karan! mother! brother is here.

karan, my son! you've come?what took you so long? that lawyer ravi verma provedyour father guilty.. ..and had him imprisoned.go and have him released. i am afraid lest itwill be too late. i wonder what state he is in. excellent, mr. ravi! you've killed poison withpoison. it was good! but what if he returns after twoyears and reopens our files? the government does not reinstate..

..a person who's served in prison forget him. he is finished. start constructing your building.- all right. the highest pent house is mine.-absolutely. do you have to ask beforedoing a good deed? father, you too canbegin your hotel. may i leave? okay. okay bye. mr. singhal, i am not satisfied.

don't leave the snake half dead.crush it completely. meaning? there won't be smokeif there's no fire. what if satya prakash commitssuicide in prison? why would he commit suicide? don't you follow? a prisondeath is termed as suicide. am i right? - yes. a dead person can neitherspeak up nor open any file. what's happening? you are makingme run a wild goose chase.

and then you are harassing meto sign different papers. i won't sign anywhere. this is happening sincethe past two hours. it's more than enough okay? look, you don't have toexplain our duty to us. you are doing a good job. you are not allowing ason meet his father! this is your duty? do you know who i am?i am captain karan.

commando for indian army. captain karan.- sir. what's the matter?- i want to meet my father.. i want to meet municipalcommissioner satya prakash. this officer creating problemto meet my own father. all right. come with me. listen. take the bodyfor a post-mortem. father! open the door!open the door please.

open the door! when did this happen?- 549 committed suicide this morning. we started the legal formalitiesas soon as we got the news. and informed to his family. father! father, i am karan. speak to me, father. i am karan. say something, father. father.- he is dead, captain.

i know that. i know. but i want to know who isresponsible for his death. a person committing suicide isresponsible for his own death. no. this isn't suicide. my father loved life. he was a man who could face life. he can't commit suicide. who did this? who did this?! who killed my father?!why don't you tell me?!

why don't you speakup? who did this? captain karan! what are you doing? control your self. control.control your self. father, look. i've got threestars in drawing today. i'll have a look at itwhen you get 5 stars. father, look at it now. what did you do? youruined the new table. papa i am sorry. sorry doesn't rectify your mistake.

isn't there anythingcalled discipline?! here. everything is fine now. you have spoilt her.- yes, i have spoilt her. and i shall continue to do so. you can go to the party. you're unnecessarilyscolding the child. it's all right, child.- it's fine, child. what will mother play with poojaonce she returns? video game. all right. let's go.- good night.

they are gone. they've left without takingthe holy water. ravi verma. " love with you" "how deep is your love for me?" "how deep is your love for me,how crazy are you about me?" "the kohl in your eyes speaksof my love for you" "what more do i say?" "how crazy are you about me?"

"i am crazy about your beauty,your gait holds me spellbound" "you are more intoxicating thanwine, i thirst for your beauty" "the whole world is vying for me.. ..don't try wooing me" "don't you falter, cometo your senses" "come and dance with me first, girl" "my dear love, i know it all,your intentions are evil" "don't entice me withyour false hopes" "my hopes are pinned on you.. is meaningless without you" "my love, i could giveup my life for you" "come and dance withme first, handsome" "what more do i say" "your love for me is very deep" "you are crazy about me" "o beautiful, you've hadme crazy in your love" how deep is..- ouch! listen, i have got to drive.

you can't walk straight.- come on sweet heart. love you, beloved. kajal! kajal. singhal sir, they've been takento the operation theatre. the culprit has been recognised.his name is karan singh. a couple of days ago municipal commissioner satya prakashhad committed suicide in prison. he is his son.

officer, have the entirecity under curfew. send a message acrossthe wireless .. that karan be traced immediately.- yes sir. commissioner he should not escape. the man firing at my children.. we'll arrest him verysoon. don't worry. are your daughter andson-in-law fine now? we've succeeded insaving ravi verma. but a bullet has brushedpast his brain.

i am afraid lest hesuffers from amnesia. doctor, the patienthas gained consciousness. mr. ravi verma, please speakto me. i am dr. pradhan. say something. please talk to me. mr. ravi, please try.. what more? luckily he has not losthis memory completely. if he remembers kajal, i amsure with kajal's help..

..he will remember the rest. now kajal is the only onewho can restore his memory. karan can come here as well. i'll convey the message. please come. luckily, kajal died instead of ravi. don't you think that i don't regret. i do regret it. but were ravi to die, all of uswould have been finished too.

that's right. ravi has been handling allour illegal businesses.. ..illegal accountsand illegal land holdings. had something happened to him,we would have been ruined. i still foresee trouble. do you know what the doctor said?- what? if we want ravi to recovercompletely,.. ..kajal must be in front of him.. ..the moment he regains his senses.

now that she is no more,we can't bring her back. calm down, mr. singhal. mr. bansal, how do i calm down? my son-in-law is fightingbetween life and death. and my daughter has left me forever. no, this is not your daughter. how is this possible? she is.. this is not possible.. bansal. - i can't believe that..

"my in-laws sleep on the rooftopand i in the courtyard" "and he stood outside ourhouse making signs to me" "sudden sounds of footstepsand the lock being unlatched" "my heart skipped a beat andmy right eyes twitched" "darling, don't hide it from us.""do tell us.. "why has your face lost colour?" "when my folks go to the fieldsearly in the morning.. lover sneaks in to meet me" "no one lends me a ear..

..i'm afraid lest thewrong be committed" "he pays no heed andholds my wrist tight" "this embarrasses me" "this embarrasses me and a certainfire rages within me" "a very sly boyfriend you have" "he flirts with everyone possible" "with a bottle of sweet drinkhe comes to the market square" "i wonder what he has added to it" "the drink stings anda certain kind..

..of poison flows in my veins" "a fire rages within meand a pain grips me" "i spend sleepless nights" "i spend sleepless nightswith desires afire" oh my darling.. i am tired. hey, give it here. you've finished half of it already. i just had a little.

you have a lot of whims and fancies. give me a 'beedi'. - yes, madam. kajri, i am all for you.. ..when i see you dancingand swaying around. get lost! don't you dare touch me!or i'll slice you to pieces! you fool! we still have time for our marriage. you can say whatever you want now. but once we're married,you won't utter a word.

may i know why you've come? may i help you?- we need your daughter. we want to take her to bombay. are you going to makeher act in the films? that's right. we want to makeher act. tell us her price. she earns rs.400-500 everyday. shut up! you are drunk. my daughter earns rs.4000-5000everyday. what if we give you rs. 1 lakh?

how much did you say?- one lakh?! how much do you want? two?..three?..four? five? is 5 lakhs all right? what did you say?- six?! seven?- don't fool around. how about eight lakhs?- eight..! how about nine?- i say.. how about 10?is 10 all right? i say, take me along too.

you can give me up to rs. 20,000. we only want the sparrownot the nest. now don't say that. kajri, come out and greet them. good morning, sir. whatis the programme? go in. you don't haveto go right away. offer us a betterprice. - meaning? she hasn't lost hervirginity as yet. i don't want to marry her.- one never knows.

what if you play with herhonour and send her back? no such thing will happen. am i right? we'll return your girl as soonher work out there gets over. the girl is your can take her away. even if you keep her for a few daysextra, we won't charge you. we are quite generous. ravi verma survived. raviverma is out of danger. the doctors have succeeded insaving ravi verma's life.

mr. ravi verma is in room no 76.- thank you. brother karan, you are under arrest. drop your weapons. - no! i won't listen to youtill i finish him. you can do as you please after that. you can't escape from here.hand yourself over to me. brother karan! is karan crazy?- yes, he is. men who protect the bordersof the country are crazy.

life is a mission for them.they do what they decide. what do you mean? what if somethingwere to happen to ravi? we knew karan would come here. hence we shifted ravi verma to asecure place outside the city. and right now he is absolutelysafe in dr. anand's sanatorium. hello! hello? hello!? sorry. who am i? - kajal. i am sunder, not kajal. i am as sunder(beautiful)as the taj mahal..

..dr. anand's sanatorium.. ..the medical store,the wine shop.. ..the cemetery or themunicipal garden. i am as beautiful as all of these. tell me something. whydo you call me kajal? is it because i am dark skinned? kajal(kohl) alone isn't is beautiful too. sunder. - kajal. sunder. sunder. sunder. sunder.

kajal. - i am sunder. i am sunder.i am sunder. i am sunder. how often have i told youto warn me before coming. you broke it. - what? my 440th pen. i can see everything. how would i face my patients ifsomething else were to break? what will you tell me if you telleverything to your patients? you speak something and havesomething else on your mind. "hey, what are you saying?"

"what do i say?" listen. - tell me. "will you come to khandala with me?" what a man! ward no. 13 hasbeen empty since a long time. and you don't know it. did you have to be afly in the ointment?! what's happening? - hisblood pressure has risen. yours and his blood pressurehas risen, not the patient's. sir..

give me the pen. my pen broke. - again? hello ravi. - kajal. he is stuck on kajal. operateon him. he will be fine. kajal is his wife's name. heloved her a lot. she is dead. so do i look like his wife to him? shut up! i didn't think of that.i've got an idea. take these clothes off.go and dress in a sari.

he might rememberhis wife on seeing you. if this happens,the entire problem will be solved. his memory will be restoredand he will be absolutely fine. and your name shallgo down in medical history. and then both of you can get married. when you get married,you'll have children. how will i have children? this way..your operation.. if i get married,you'll remain a spinster.

and you'll keep doingthis all your life. get lost. sunder? so, how are we today? your kajal will come.she will have to come. you remember her with such intensity. i am sure she too isn't at peace. she will surely come.she will have to come. i beg of you not to ruin my old age.

will a courtesan takethe place of my kajal? oh gosh! have a look at her once.they say she looks just like kajal. damn the people who say that! there never was nor willthere be anyone like my kajal. come inside. well mr. singhal?aren't you taken by surprise? oh, so i am here on duty for him? i wish you a very good morning, sir.

the house is lovely.the decor is beautiful. mother, you're back? where were you?i had been waiting for you. what dress are you wearing?had you been for a fancy show? so sweet! you had promised to play avideo game with me once you're back. your mother is tired now. where is father?he went with you, didn't he? father has gone to delhi.

mother is back,father will be back too. go and sleep. aunt, put pooja to sleep. leave her! i'll have to purify you. oh god! look..- the child is nice. but i don't like the old woman. you mustn't speak must speak with respect.

we call her aunt. she had raised my daughter kajal. so isn't she one of our own?- yes, but not to me. please tell her not to insult me.or there will be a problem. where is ravi verma? - i don't know. where have you hidden ravi verma? i don't know. believe me,it is the truth. i don't now. is that the truth? - yes. is that the truth?!

the truth is that my fatherhad taken a bribe from you. satya prakash was a dishonest officer. that was a mistake. i was misled. misled? who misled you? did ravi verma influence you?- perhaps. where is ravi verma?- at the sacred heart sanatorium. please let go of me. now you've learnt to sit. don't fall over. take care.

i'll be back. you rascal.. you think you'll getaway by killing my father! look at me. look at me and see what death is like. excellent, karan! the man whose heroic deedsi would read in the newspapers.. killing a dead man. he isn't dead, doctor!

he will die after i shoot him!he's absolutely hale and hearty. i think you haven'ttaken note of his condition. look at him carefully. neither is he conscious,nor he has any feelings. he can't differentiatebetween joy and sorrow. he can't distinguishbetween life and death. and this is due to you. what was his wife's fault?she was killed. my innocent fatherwasn't at fault either.

is that why you areon a murder spree?! you will kill him, me and everybody! how will that help?will your father come alive? will his soul rest in peace? i will kill everybody! you want to killhim in order to pacify.. ..the fire-raging in your heart. kill him! he is almost dead anyway. i was doing my best sothat i may give him a new life.

but in vain. kill him. cure him at the earliest. give him a new life. the day you give him life,i shall give him death. death! only death! hi sunder! - what happened? it's a 5 month old baby. this is tina.she is an amazing beauty! i had an affair with her.

but for her cruel husband,i would have been married to her. and i would have had 5 1/2 children. well? didn't you understand?here's another one. a boy with a skin darkerthan mine was passing by.. in a white uncle called out to him and told him black tarwas smeared on his back. the boy turned around andtold him that his pant was torn. well? didn't you follow? you've bored me it's my turn to bore you.

listen to the third one. a boy comes running tohis mother and tells her that.. ..their help ramu and the maid.. ..laxmi were kissing in the kitchen angrily his mothercalls him and scolds him. you fool is this howyou work in the house? mummy, april fool. april fool! his father was kissing laxmi,not ramu. what happened? - something happens.

but nothing happens to me without you. where were you yesterday?-at the film 'kuch kuch hota hai' without me?! - yes. you didn't take me?- you don't let me watch the movie. you keep doing.. come with me. i'll show you a film. ravi! ravi! stop him, somebody. ravi!

oh my god. are you a woman or a bulldozer?!look at what you did to me! caught you. - what did you catch? who and why did you catch it? we can't part so soon, my friend. i won't let you go. spread yourselves around. - dacoits! doctor, dacoits! dacoits! what rubbish.

are there real dacoits or you..-there are real dacoits. god bless the dacoits.keep visiting us. what's this, mr. singhal? karan is crossing his limits. we are afraid he may come here. but he is already been here. who? karan? - but is ravi all right? yes, he is absolutely fine. - what? ravi is all right despitekaran's visit here?

you are well aware thattigers never attack the dead. doctor, are you calling karan a tiger? no. i am calling ravi a dead man. you have seen ravi's state. he is safe untilhe is completely cured. when will ravi recover? the day you bringkajal in front of him. what happened to kajal? is she ready? hey, where are you going?

what do you mean? i am hungry. i want something to eat. all right. but don'tyou dare step into my kitchen. do you think my houseis a dancing hall? you just walk in wherever you please! here's your food. stuff yourself. take. she has defiled me. where did she go?

oh dear! what's this? what do you mean, old woman? who do you think i am?! you threw food at me asthough i am some dog! but you do bark like one. - not,only do i bark; i bite too. should i bite you?- i'll cut you to pieces! that is if i spare you alive. damn you! you old woman!

you insulted me! help! - i will cut you to pieces! you damn! old woman, you've actedtoo smart! i won't spare you!i'll cut you to pieces! hey, what's happening?- your boss is back! stop it! .. i say stop it! stop it! - you act smartwith me, do you?! what's happening?

who is it? i've lost my daughter already. i thought i could save ravi's life. his life is dependent on kajal. but i won't be able to save him now. don't say that. mayhe live very long. words alone don't help. i was hoping you would make thisgirl presentable to ravi. but you seem to spend allyour time despising her.

you old woman! - she is back! hey, you girl! go away! leave us to our state. i am going away, sir. good morning! i hadn't come here for money. i came here under an illusion. i wanted to see what the homesof big men like you are. this is what your home is like?!

i am leaving! i'll haveyour money sent to you. don't you say that i didn't say so. oh dear! damn the old woman! she has hurt her head. try to sleep. since the past 7 days, .. neither does he sleepnor allow me to sleep. if he doesn't sleep,i'll sleep forever.

my lily will become awidow before marriage. my child will become anorphan before being born. doctor, give him an injectionthat will put him to sleep. sunder, we can't givehim an injection. then inject me one. - whydon't you try to understand? it could affect his brains.he could get worse. don't you pity my state? there must be some kindof treatment for him? his medicine is in the processof being manufactured.

say anything you please,but don't call me kajal. 'sanskrit chants' sorry. - what? sorry. - it is all right. are you hungry? should i giveyou something to eat? or do i get you a drink? yourhunger will be satiated. i broke the bottles, mother.- what did you say? i broke the bottle. i won't drink. what did you say afterthat? - mother.

sir had said that i mustcall you mother .. ..since you are like a mother. i am not your mother. i am aunt. kajal used to call me aunt. here. hey, kajal's place is on thetable, not here. come. sit here. look at you eating! thisis not how you eat. kajal used to eat this way. hold your spoon. holdyour spoon this way.

this way. you've got my god be with you. remember, child. you are settingoff to do a noble deed. mother, bring father home with you. i can't live without him. "my crazy heart.. "i lost my heart some place" "my senses went reeling whenyou set your eyes on me" "my senses went reeling when youset your eyes on me, my love"

"something has surelyhas happened my dear." "if away from your arms,i'll ever have to be.." ".. my heart will breakinto tiny fragments" "good lord, what hashappened to me?" "coyness grips me" "new fire rages in me.." "..there's a new feelingof being lost in love" "there's a beautiful unionof lips meeting lips" "my heart seems to skip a beat"

"your touch melts every part of me" "the rains and a beautiful weather" "memorable is our meeting" "the story should continue" "sleep within the comfortof my tresses" "my sense went reeling when.. set you eyes on me" "my sense went reeling whenyou set you eyes on me" " set you eyes on me"

go! sir, luckily the dogswent before us. or we would have beenin the same state. look, we shouldn't miss very alert. okay, sir. here. thank you. ram singh. - yes. keep a watch on every passerby.

tea. - don't take so much trouble.i don't like it. this is no trouble, son-in-law. in fact i feel bad that you keepa watch outside our home.. and night. and you always refuseto come in and relax. i can't explain howrelationships hurt.. .. when they comebetween one's duty. as you deem best. here'syour cup of tea. sir, there's a call for you.

child, it is very late.there is tight security. don't wait any longer.karan won't come. mother, karan never failsto come on 'raksha bandhan' mother, brother! karan, my child. for how long will you keepevading the police? come back home. come back home, son. one's duty takes you astep ahead, not behind.

brilliant, son! on one endvinay talks about duty.. .. and on the other endyou talk about it. my affection seems to hold no value. whom do i approach with my sorrow? my heart hurts to see my braveson hide like a thief. you might just get arrestedsomeday and the noose.. no, my son. hand yourselfover to vinay. he's your future brother-in-law.he will have you released. is this my mother speaking?karan's mother?

satya prakash gave up his life.. .. but he refused to fallweak to dishonesty. is this being said bysatya prakash's wife? you say that i must bowdown to convenience.. .. because the path oftruth is very tough. beg for freedom, instead of justice. is this what my motheris saying? - yes. i remained composed afterlosing my husband. but i'll die lest somethinghappens to my son.

this is an old customof our country. a mother would cry on sacrificing.. ..her son for the sake of duty.. .. only because she didn't haveanother son to sacrifice. and you are asking me to forgivethe man who killed my father! it is my father who died! a fire of vengeance burns within me! father is watching from above. he can see what hisson is capable of.

the same son whom he had sentto get martyred at the border. he is watching how far canhis son go through .. ..with the war of justice. he is watching. i can't remain quietabout his death. you didn't give birth to a coward. even if i lose my life in thisstruggle for the truth.. .. don't anguish over it.hold your head in pride. enough, brother.

don't say such things on anauspicious day like this. i have nothing to give you, sister. if you can, assure me that youwill take care of yourself. i pray to god that he willgive you a long life. there he is! come on! run! hurry! look for him. now ravi will need security.

ravi that came here and ravithat is leaving with you.. .. are two different people. he does not remember his past.- what do you mean? meaning, he is fresh andnew like an empty page. his memory will slowlycome back as .. you keep reminding him of his past. our son-in-law will becomeravi verma, won't he? he will become so. god bless you.

take care of yourself. sunder! that's good! if you love somebody,you must express it. won't you embrace me? what happened?! you came here as a patient,but are leaving as a friend. all the best ravi. thank the lord.

who are these men? - hehasn't been caught as yet. yes? - i'll take your leave. i have to go with that all right? sir, have some sweets. may i have some too?- of course, my son. give the sweets to ravi. it will be as goodas us having them. papa, look. this is me, thisis mother and this is father. no problem, my child. iwould drop it everyday.

no, papa. - yes, my child. look.. this way. 'd' is for my daddy becausehe works for me. 'm' is for my mummy asloving as she can be. we are all a happy family. you've gone to sleep. happy family! happy family! ravi, come on. yourlife is in danger. come on, ravi. for my sake.- but who is he?

come on, ravi. hurry, ravi. - but who is he? run, ravi! he is behind us. but kajal.. - hurry. do anything, but nothingshould happen to my ravi. this is the fear that i wantedto see in your eyes, lawyer! i want to instill this fearinto every dishonest man. this is the punishment i wantto give to people like you. a death sentence!

no! move aside, vinay. - dropyour weapon, brother. i say move aside.- no, brother karan. it would be better if you handyourself over to the police. move aside or i'll shoot you! shoot me! go on! shoot! a bullet might pierce meand reach ravi verma! move aside, vinay. you know that i can't sacrificemy sister's future husband..

.. for avenging the deathof my mother's husband. move! arrest him. ravi verma! okay sidhal sir.- thank you, inspector. why does he want to kill me? don't let this bother you. lawyers win a lot of cases,they also lose some. in this process, theyform friends and foes.

kajal. - yes. take him home carefully.see that he isn't upset. this is not possible, sister. i don't want to takeyour place. i want.. i just.. - kajri, but i want youto take my place. only you can save my ravi andlove pooja like a mother. i have seen it me this favour. revive my broken home. become kajal. become kajal.

something is missing. oh yes. "i left behind everything for you" "i left everyone for you" "why are you holding back" "even time waits for our union" "o my beloved" "what a lovely time is this" "all my wishes have come true"

"i have said this to god" "you are my beloved" "stranger, tell me justthis much, my love.. "you are related to meas breath is to life" "you'd better know thatyou are my life" now you look like your old self. there's just one new thing. you would never smile so much. we have to slowly makehim the old ravi.

go ahead and make him the old ravi. but don't change thisnew development in him. let's go. bye, aunt. the holy water. sure. what happened, child? start calling me kajri once again. i pray to god that he recovers soon. and i can return to my world.

there won't be any problem then.i take an oath on ram's name. welcome ravi. our tiger is back to his reign. i'll garland him with an embrace.- come sit. i heard that karan is arrested. i went to the templeto pay my respects. i'm glad karan was arrested.don't spare him, ravi! take him to the gallows this time. mr. ravi, our case aboutthe colony in dadar..

.. is held up due to an old couple. implicate them under a false case. false case? - listen to him talk! all your wealth and fame hasbeen achieved on false cases. all your wealth and fame give him breathing space. ravi, this is themodel of our hotel. you had asked us to set ablaze themill that stood on this land. and this is the model ofthe sea face building..

.. which you had demolished. unfortunately, purshottam isno more. it was his dream. this pent house on the topfloor is mine, right? meet the new municipalcommissioner.. place of satya prakash. another thing. he had not committedsuicide in prison. we had killed him. why are you sitting all by yourself? nobody out here cansing as well as you.

you sing beautifully! come on and sing. don'tfeel shy. get up. good! .. listen everybody! there will be a special song today. she will sing today. she will sing in front of mr ravi. go on and sing. don'tfeel shy. begin. "never fall in love" "as some one has rightly said"

"the unfortunate eyes are at fault" "they are the ones thatcommitted the mistake" "first you kindledthe fire within me" "and then you quenched that fire" "i am in love, my dear" "i am in love with you, my dear" "i swear by god, i couldgive up my life for you" "the vermilion on my foreheadis my jewellery" "you are my heart beats and my love"

"i ask god for just one gift" "i ask god for your companionshipevery moment" "on every breath of mine.." "every breath of minetakes your name" "i can die for you, i swear" "i've got an incurable disease" "on this enemy of the heart,who has taken control?" "what has come over me" "i take you as my god"

"i swear by you, my lord" "i am nothing without you" "at your feet.." "may i die at your feet" "i can die for you, i swear." "i am in love with you, my dear." you are an amazing actress! will you join the movies? i'llmake you the no.1 heroine. shubhash ghai is a childhoodfriend of mine.

i'll recommend you to him. just come closer. you dared to touch my wife!i'll kill you! you dared to touch my wife! i'll kill you! stop, ravi. - leave me alone. leave me. - control yourself. he dared to touch my wife!i will kill you bastard what wife?! the one whomyou think is your wife..

ravi, we'll take careof him. you may leave. we'll take care. you can leave. let's go, kajal. i can understand if ravihits me, mr. singhal. but why did you hit me? fool, because he doesn't haveto be told the truth as yet. let him recover and get a holdof the work like before. and after that if youwant we'll send.. ..the courtesan to your house.

then you can watch her danceas much as you please. do you understand? come on. - come on. don't, kajal. enough! they insulted me, not you. they aren't nice people. they.. how can you say that?you are one of them. perhaps. do you know whykaran wanted to kill me? because you maligned hishonest father's repute. and then had him imprisoned.

he committed suicide out of shame. that is exactly what i want to say. that good man didn't commit suicide. these people killed him! i heard them say it aloudand then laugh over it. i always stood by them andyou never stopped me. why, kajal? perhaps i didn't know. or perhaps i did not stopyou and you didn't heed me.

yes. i remember. you did stop me. you had said that god oughtto punish you for my sins. and this is what happened. karan fired at me, and you stoodas a shield to protect me. god, in spite of that youreturned my kajal to me. i will never be ableto repay this debt. but i will atone for my sins. i will surely atone for my sins.

you? why have you come here? mother.. i accept my mistakes. i am regretting over what i did. your regret holds no meaning. how will this help? my husband died. and my brave son hasturned a murderer.

now even if god forgivesyou, i won't forgive you. i don't seek your forgiveness.i need punishment. not by god, i want you to punish me. i take you as my god and ask you.. .. what should i do? i don't see any way out. now you tell me. whatshould a person do,.. .. if he wants to atonefor his mistakes. there must be some formof punishment ..

..for a lowly man like me? yes. you too have been punished. i lost my husband. and you lost your wife. i tried to stop my son. but he was obsessed by murder. he fired at you. but your wife was murdered. may her soul rest in peace.

go, son. who am i to punish you? who is he? - no. tell me. don't hideit from your aunt. is it ravi? yes. the truth is thatyour kajal is dead. so who is she? she is kajri, not kajal. but she is anotherform of your kajal. i will pray to god that i bepunished for the sins you commit.

the truth had to surface someday. kajri has worked very hardto give you a new life. you are alive and leading anormal life because of her. i am sorry but you haven'tdone a single.. ..good deed in this birth. perhaps you did good deedsin your last birth. or your true love for kajal.. .. has killed the demon in you &awakened the human within you. look at yourself.

not just your body, but you seemto have acquired a new soul. calm down. you will now face complications. you have always livedyour life on deceit. there will be a little difficultyin facing the truth. good that you've turned a new leaf. bad luck but best of luck. all the women in the society ateas soon as they saw the moon. but her fast of 'karvachowth'is different.

you haven't eaten a morsel sincemorning. eat something. no, aunt. he shouldbe here any moment. i'll eat after i've seen him. i won't listen to you now. eat something. your childneeds nourishment. don't worry about this child. i wonder what his destinyholds for him. someday he will know thati am kajri, not kajal. i am a courtesan, a womanof loose character.

will he accept thischild then? - he will. he will have to accept this child. you did so much for him. you gave up everythingin order to save him. now you are pregnant with his child. such sacrifice! if he still does not accept you.. i shall say that heis very unfortunate. when did you come? kajalhas kept a fast for you.

have your first bite from her .. i'll have the table laid meanwhile. "there is pain in these moments" "there is a thirstin the atmosphere" "what kind of feelingis this of first love?" " these moments" brother karan, sign here.these are your bail papers. how did mother arrangefor so much money? mother did not bail you out.

then? this gentleman did. mr. ravi verma! don't you understand, lawyer? nobody in satya prakash'sfamily accepts bribe. this isn't a bribe. it is a small compensationfor my mistake. i am ready to accept anyform of punishment. don't pretend. - karan, brother. i know your tricks!

you are regretting and want toatone for your sins, don't you? leave him! - you are afraid.. .. that i will give youa loathsome death. karan, brother.- yes, i will kill you! this time no one will beable to save you from me. are you all right? there's just one way wherebyyou can escape. do you know what? have me killed in prison too.

just the way you hadmy father killed. i did not get your father killed!believe me, please. believe me, lawyer. you will survive only if i die. but if i survive, you will die. what nonsense is this?! what is the meaning of havingyour enemy released on bail? he isn't our enemy.we are his enemies. what?! - he hasn'tdone us any harm.

we have caused him harm. what nonsense! what made you goand have him set free on bail? he wants to kill you. i deserve it. you have become crazy! i haven't become crazy. infact i am in my senses now! i have decided to compensate.. ..and have those people compensate forthe sins i have been made to commit. and you are one of prepared.

you are talking to singhal! you are talking toyour father-in-law. you were my father-in-law. but now that kajal, the one who boundus in a relationship is no more.. .. don't talk aboutthis relationship! how dare you talk this way?! that courtesan has made you crazy! now she is my wife. with that in mind, this housewhere you stand belongs to her.

ravi, don't forget that i too havecontributed to this house! then remove it! your share of the contributionruins the atmosphere! ravi!- don't shout mr. singhal! before i do anything.. getout of my house get out. you are trying to play a charadeand marry into a respectable family so you've finally trapped poor ravi. you are a woman of loose character! women like us are better off thanthe women of your household.

you make your wife do as you please. you give us money as well asare at our beck and call. you are forgetting who you are! you want to know whoi am, don't you?! i challenge you. let alone hitting me,try abusing me. i'll clobber you and dragyou down the streets! speak up if you have the guts. i don't want to arguewith women like you!

stop treating women like this. you might get into trouble for that. who does she think she is?should we have her killed? no! that won't be the rightpunishment for him. she will have to return tothe world she came from. she will be sold in the flesh trade. she will die a slowand horrifying death. this punishment willbe right for her. i have made the arrangements.

kajri- no!.. no! what happened? - they have come. who? - i don't want to go. i will teach you a lesson!- i won't go. you fool! you will be ruined!you will die early. i sent you to earn money,not marry! you are already nurturingan illegitimate child! don't you dare call mychild illegitimate. i am an illegitimate child.

neither do you know, nor doi know who my father is. this is a respectable man's child. a man who loved me. loved you indeed! he takes you as his wife, does he? go and tell him thetruth about yourself. tell him that you are a courtesan. and then we'll see howmuch he loves you. kill her child!

damn you, wretched woman! don't you dare touch me!i'll slice you to pieces. shut up! i've seen adozen girls like you. even if i break your legs,i won't be at a loss. you won't remain capableenough to dance. you'll learn a lesson once westarve you for days together. hold her tight. let me finish theunborn child first! move aside or i'll beatyou to pulp!

how is she related to you? -sheis my unborn child's mother. i say.. - don't say anything. will you come with me? here you are. no, here. go. go and take care of your home. and this world. go my child. mummy! mummy! - pooja!

mummy! mummy, don't ever leave me and go.i can't live without you. i won't go, my child. i won't go. i won't go. enough, child. ravi -enough! i warned him. i warned singhal! i am going to reopen municipalcommissioner satya prakash's case mr. satya prakash didn'tcommit suicide.

he had been murdered. i will unmask each oftheir evil deeds! this shall be done withcomplete evidence. this can't be possible. all evidences againstus should be destroyed. mr. singhal, we've searchedravi's office. but all our papers andfiles are missing. this shouldn't turntables against us. mother, brother karan shouldn'thave escaped from prison.

he has got into worse trouble.- that's right. ravi verma is reopeningkaran's father's case. so that he can wipe offthe mar on his name. if karan.. no, no, if karan meets ravi,he will kill him! hurry up, ravi. i told you, lawyer! iwon't spare you alive! don't, karan! - kill me! you will avenge your father'sdeath by killing me.

but the tarnish on his characterwill be cleared.. .. only in the same courtwhere he was maligned. can't you spare me a few hours? so that i can prove himinnocent in court. i am ready to accept any formof punishment after that. karan, ravi is right. ravi is going to unmask the truecharacter of the people.. .. who are responsible foryour father's death. and these people are not lettinghim reach the court.

come to the court. noone can stop you. come. hurry. - stop right there, ravi. it's all right if you come here.but go no further. goddess sita crossed overthe limit set by ram.. .. and thus the rest of theramayana was a sad saga. you are leading a difficultlife anyway. why are you inviting more trouble? give me this bag.

you talk about ramayanabut you forget.. .. that when ravana is burnt.. .. kumbkaran and meghnattoo are burnt. i knew it. i knew you wouldn'tunderstand my simple explanations hence, i've made arrangements. listen. listen to yourchild's sweet voice. pooja! - papa, help me. leave the child! i won't spare you if anythinghappens to the child.

pooja! papa, help me. good. - don't cry, pooja. if you go to court, your child.. do you think you can change my mindby threatening me this way?! you rascal. come on soon. help! mr. singhal!

i don't understand him, my lord. what will mr. ravi verma gain.. proving mr. satyaprakash innocent? he was the one who had provedthat mr. satya prakash.. .. had taken bribe. and we had lauded himfor his arguments. i wish you hadn't. if only people had slapped me.. .. the very first day when i hadproved the wrong as right.

we wouldn't be seeing this day. your honour, this is very common. a lie is appraised and thetruth is looked down upon. this is what happened even that day. people had appraised mefor my false arguments. and that pious man was shamed. and my mother who sitsthere had told me.. .. that it was i who had insultedthe pious man, not god. she was absolutely right.

similarly.. mr. satya prakash hadn'tcommitted suicide. the culprits were the ones.. .. who bribed the executionerand had him killed in prison. enough of your sermons. if you have a name or any evidence,present it in court. don't waste the time of the court. i do have proof. i haveevery single evidence. today i shall bring open inpublic all their misdeeds.

please save me, papa. please save me, papa. - ravi. what's the matter? - nothing. even the most learned men hadsacrificed their children.. .. in struggle fortruth and justice. let us see what my sacrificebrings for me. papa, papa! mummy, please save me.- leave the child alone. leave the child.

pooja - mummy! mummy! take the child to court. the court is ashamed.. .. for maligning the nameof mr. satya prakash.. .. who was a nobleand honest person. we seek his forgiveness. and the court acceptsthe fact that.. .. that the law does make mistakes. help! help!

the court orders that mr. singhalbe taken in custody.. .. for committing the murder ofcommissioner mr. satya prakash. let him be charged for the othercrimes committed by him. ravi. pooja. - papa papa, papa, papa!- you rascal. inspector. - mother! papa! don't come forward. mummy, save me. - move aside!

move aside! - mummy! papa! - move aside! move! - mummy! leave pooja, singhal! hand yourself over tothe police, singhal. save me, papa! you can't get away. - stay away! move. move aside or i'll shoot the girl!

inspector, drop your weaponsand ask your men to.. papa!- pooja! come, brother karan. i have to still settle scoreswith you, lawyer. i remember. but you will haveto be released for that. do you think the lawwill acquit me? no. it can acquit you providedyou hire a good lawyer. will you argue my case?

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