Friday, April 21, 2017

personal injury lawyer

personal injury lawyer

when searching for the right personal injuryattorney in asheville nc keep these important things in mind: always look for an attorney in asheville nc with expert knowledge of and experience in current personal injury laws. seek out an attorney that provides a freeconsultation and will make you aware of all terms and conditions. it's important your personal injury attorney in ashevillehas the time to meet with you in person when the need arises or there's a cause to discussmatters thoroughly. the following are 3 vital tips to help youfind a personal injury attorney in asheville that's right for you:

1. make sure you understand the attorney'sfees and billing rates along with any other costs to work on your case. 2. consider the rates and terms of variouspersonal injury attorneys and settle on the ones you find reasonable enough for your requirements. and 3. always ask if they have online testimonialsor positive reviews they could direct you to. there's more you should know about choosinga personal injury lawyer in asheville north carolina. the information we provide could save youtime and money. just visit our website or call us today.

personal injury attorney

personal injury attorney

selecting the right attorney for your injury case is critical for obtaining fair value for your claim. you want to hire a specialist, one who is board certified by the florida bar as a civil trial lawyer. one who is also certified by the national board of trial advocacy. why do you want to hire a board certified lawyer? because insurance companies

keep track of which attorneys actually go to trial. by hiring a lawyer who goes to court often, you increase the insurance companies valuation of your case. they don’t want to fight a skilled attorney, they want to pay less to an attorney who is afraid to try a case. and because most injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis of ⅓ or 40%, the cost of a board certified trial lawyer

is the exact same. so, why not hire one with a proven track record of success. before you hire a lawyer, ask them one question. “how many personal injury jury trials they have won in the past year?” for more detailed information about how to choose a personal injury lawyer, click on the link in this post.

personal attorney service

personal attorney service

rancho cucamonga attorney, los angeles personalinjury lawyer, rancho cucamonga personal injury attorney. here at thelaw offices of fernando j. bernheim, apc we are committed to providing professionallegal services and aggressive representation backed by extensive knowledge and experiencein matters of law. we a we understand the impact that your legal issue has upon yourlife and we are dedicated to assuring you every remedy within the scope of the law.\'a0weare a group of hard working ,honest, enthusiastic people who love to help people win their cases.we take the time to develop personal relationships with our clients, which is why we have beenso successful. our clients always come first

and we want you to benefit from our hard work.for more than ten years, attorney fernando j. bernheim has represented clients on a rangeof issues relating to: criminal law, personal injury/civil, immigration, family law, andbankruptcy. from your free initial consultationthrough the entire legal process, our experienced and professional team aggressively pursuesyour best interests with personalized attention every step of the way.\'a0 nothing mattersmore than the peace of mind that comes with protection of your individual rights. if youare looking for a law firm that is a right fit for you, look no further then the lawoffices of fernando bernheim. we are located in los angeles, rancho cucamonga, upland california,riverside and san bernardino.

pennsylvania lawyer referral service

pennsylvania lawyer referral service

by hiring a divorce lawyer you get an advocate.we will bring calm to contested and volatile situations. we pride ourselves on our sensitivityto our client’s financial as well as emotional needs. our firm focuses on effective and costconscious divorce agreements. we fine effective resolutions to child custody and visitation,child support and property division. contact us for confidential, comprehensive adviceon alternatives, eligibility, and the advantages of having an attorney on your side.

pa lawyer referral service

pa lawyer referral service

what are the consequences of a dui conviction?you may be sentenced to jail time or community service and probationary period, at a minimum.if the dui is severe, you may have a prison sentence and you will pay court costs andfines. your driver's license will be suspended, as well as possible drug or alcohol treatmentrequirements. most of our clients are hard working, regular people. we don't judge people,we defend them. when you can't afford a guilty, call us............................

oregon lawyer referral

oregon lawyer referral

our next profile looks at the oldest deaf-controlled agency in the nation, dcara (deaf counseling advocacy and referral agency) serves as a role model for other deaf agencies around the world. catie: good afternoon. this is the referral agency. my name is catie. how can i help you? marta: yes, i need to speak to my supervisor reese. is she available? reporter: for the past 52 years, dcara has been an important for the deaf and hard of hearing community with multiple locations around the bay area. we work with parents and families who have recently diagnosed deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, or late-deafened all the way to senior citizens.

our mission is to promote respect of american sign language as being on par with english to lobby for deaf people, foster education for deaf people and foster the cultural identity of the deaf community. reporter: dcara offers a wide range of services from advocacy and peer counseling to parent and family services. the deaf employmenttraining center in san jose offers accessible workforce training for people who face multiple barriers to work. >>we realized that many of the people whocome through our doors aren't job ready. they still need some basic hard skills related toliteracy in english, math, computer skills as well as the what we call the soft skills,social skills, ethics, social boundaries.

reporter: dcara is proud to staff a decidated team that reflects its clients. the head of community relations got started there as a student. >>dcara invited me to come and eventually interviewed me for a position, and they hired me. that was a very interesting day, going there for the interview. because they all hugged me. and they all wished me good luck. and i thought, wow! this is fascinating. reporter: the conveniently located deaf community center in san leandro offers a variety of classes and is a source of hope for deaf immigrants. all too often, in their countries, they may know little or no sign language of their

and so when they come here to the u.s., i can see that they begin to learn a language, and they have a desire, a passion, an enthusiam to learn, and they work so hard to learn that sign language. and they really appreciate this they know there's really nothing for them back home. reporter: the brothers are originally from guatemala. >>with my family, we use, like family sign language. reporter: learning american sign language is helping more than just better communication at home. immigration, they wanted him to be able to express the reason why he wanted to stay here in the u.s. rather than going back home to his home country. so the dilemma is how can he possibly express this if he doesn't have basic language to begin with?

so we had to teach him what we call survival american sign language at first. and while he was learning these basic survival signs,i had to work with an immigration lawyer and educate them, educate the court. reporter: dcara offers more than just programming.the agency empowers the lives it touches. >>i'm thankful to dcara because they've given me my inner strength that allows me to do my job. our thanks to dcara for their support of the deaf and hard of hearing communities from santa cruz all the way up to the oregon border.

online legal advice

online legal advice

but just no one knowswhat this place is. - correct.- no one-- you don't have a brandthat people recognize. - absolutely.- but maybe there's a shortcut to actually havingbrand recognition, using a little somethingcalled parody law. - parody law. - often used by artists like"weird al" yankovic and shows likesaturday night live,

parody law allows youto use trademarks and copyrighted material as longas you're making fun of them. so if elias could find a wayto make fun of starbucks, he'd be free and clear to borrowtheir valuable corporate name and image for his store. the plan:turn the helio cafe into the world's firstparody starbucks. - so how do you make thata parody without it-- you just not mimickingtheir brand?

- like, the coffees could be"dumb grande," "dumb venti"... - yeah, i got you.- "dumb frappuccino." - gotcha.okay. - i mean, as a whole, the storecould just be called "dumb starbucks."- right. that's-- okay, i see what you're saying.right. - but the "dumb" could be smallso people could come in thinking it'san actual starbucks. -'s smart, i just don't know

if people would get know. i don't know if people are,you know... - well, do people getwhat you're doing now? you're not that popular.- right. - you have no menu.- that's true. - i mean, what do you haveto lose by trying? - i mean, what do i haveto lose? i...i don't know actually. - elias was on board, buthe did have one major concern.

- i definitely could not afforda lawsuit from starbucks. definitely not. - based off what i read onwikipedia, it seemed like my approachwas legal. but just to be sure,i retained the services of attorney peter j. marxto guarantee we were protected. - "dumb starbucks"? - but the "dumb" would besmaller so people would still thinkit's a starbucks.

- if people think it's astarbucks, you've got a problem. it's not really a parody then. - apparently, my legal footingwasn't as solid as i thought. but then peter brought up oneway i could cover myself. - let's say you had a reputationas being a-- - yeah. - someone who doeslots of parody. then they know, oh, he's justmaking fun of starbucks, because this is what he does.

- so i have to becomea parody artist. - it wouldn't hurt. - it seemed like i still hadsome work ahead of me. but before leaving, i neededto be sure i was protected. so if i do all this,then starbucks can't sue me? - this is america. people file lawsuitsat the drop of a hat. - but if they sue,you're liable too, right? - who's liable?- you.

- me personally?- yeah. - not unless i'm involvedin--in viola-- in infringingtheir trademark, no. - yeah, the appearance releaseyou signed before had a clause that you would be liable too,if starbucks sued. - i don't agree to this at all. i do not agree to payall legal fees and damages from legal action becausei have no control over what's being released.

- well, why did you signthat, then? - yeah, i signed it. and isigned it because i didn't have a chance to read itand i thought-- - but you're a lawyer.don't you read things before you sign them?- i do read things-- i try to read things but youwanted me to shoot and i glanced at it and this was my mistake.i'll acknowledge that. - okay. well, you signed it so iguess you can give that back. - well, i-i'm not gonna give itback because i'm going to--

- well, i handed it to you justto look over, but you already-- - no, i'm not gonnagive it back to you. i'm protecting myself and,frankly, you from a nightmare. - well, you signed it. we have you on camerasigning it. so it still holds up in court. - you don't have me on camerasigning it. - yes, we do. - what kind of lawyer am i?signing [...] i haven't read.

well, if you do, that's finethen you--then you'll know how the terms--i'm gonna put itin my pocket. - well, no, we don't want itin your pocket. - i--we do want itin my pocket. - please.please, you're in my office. i'm very serious. and i don'tknow if you're really trying to do this just for the show,but i'd like you to get off my desk and i'm gonnaask you to leave the office. - i was disappointed that peterwas trying to back out

of the deal he signed. but our producers wereeventually able to calm him down enough to keep shooting. - they just said they need toget a shot of the--an insert of the a shot of it. - [laughs] it's staying--it's staying in my pocket. it's not going anywhere.- well, we just need to get a shot of the clausefor the scene. - i-i--- in the document.

you can hold on to it. just hold it outlike you'd had and then--yeah. this camera needs to get itout here. - okay, that's how i had it. - and then you can-- just make sure you get an insertof the actual-- - you know, i'm about to--idon't know if you're provoking me or not, but i'm--i'm not--i'm getting tired of this. i'm not gonna be responsiblefor your conduct, okay?

- my plan to have peter shareliability didn't work. so it was more importantthan ever that elias and i take his guidanceto protect ourselves. it would just be helpful,legally, if we had a history of being parody artists. - okay.

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