Wednesday, March 29, 2017

lawyer or attorney

lawyer or attorney

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lawyer online

lawyer online

>>ladies and gentlemen of the jury, over thecourse of this trial i will prove beyond all doubt that thisman is innocent. >>he's not on trial.she is. >>oh.yeah, i'm not sure about her. ♪♪ >>the whole truth,and nothing but the truth-- >>objection! leading the witness![sigh] i'm really not sure how to prep for this case.half of these are harry potter books. your honor, my client pleads the--is it the fourth or the fifth?

>>are there any legalprecedents for this case? >>i'm glad you asked your honor.siri, google legal precedence for goat robbery. the amendment that youplead when you're guilty. objection!leading the witness probably! >>no.>>also define legal precedence. that's not good enough.i will not stand here and listen to you fill this hallowed room of justicewith your blatant answer the question! i want the truth.oh, this is rough.

the minimum is five years in azkaban.your honor, could i request a short recess to see if my barexam scores have been posted? i'm really hoping i passed this time.can't fail five times in a row. [laughter] you can.this is my sixth time. objection!leading-- >>ms.duncan, if you say "leading the witness" one moretime i will fine you. >>leading the person who witnessed something.between you and me, the judge on this case is total idiot.[sounds of keystrokes] >>no, you don't need to--type that.

stop it.[gargling sounds] he's good. >>mr. jones you were sittingat home eating dinner, watching tv on the night of july 15th, weren't you? >>um, well, the night of-->>objection! leading the witness.>>sustained. >>oh, so that's what that means.actually never mind, i'm still confused. >>we will now take a ten-minute recess.[gavel bang] >>oh good. i need this.i'm pretty sure the miranda rights only apply topeople named miranda.

it's a simple want to go? >>so will you be payingme before or after you get sentenced? 'cause i would prefer before.

lawyer office

lawyer office

if you are in need of a felony or misdemeanorattorney in adams county, call the nellessen law office the nellessen law office we handle everything from felony drug and weapons charges to misdemeanorslike duis and domestic violence. we have an in depth perspective of coloradocriminal laws and we know our way around a courtroom.we can provide you with the best possible legal representation, and we can do it atan affordable cost. so if you are looking for a felony or misdemeanorattorney in adams county, call the nellessen law office, today.

lawyer lookup

lawyer lookup

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lawyer locator

lawyer locator

have you ever seen the phrase "as seen ontv" or maybe heard someone say "as seen on tv"? i have to tell you, i've seen an attorneyput a commercial on tv and then in their marketing messages say "as seen on tv". you want toknow what's this all about? come join me as i share with you some remarkable information.hi, i'm gerry oginski. i'm a new york medical malpractice and personal injury trail lawyerpracticing law here in the state of new york. you won't see me saying "as seen on tv". youwant to know why not? because i don't put commercials on tv. i find, personally, thatthose commercials tend not to give any useful information. all those tv commercials aboutattorneys advertising all say the same thing. they all say, "if you've been injured andthis problem, you should call me." they don't

tell you why. "we've been in business for25 years." okay, but why are you different than the next lawyer that i see on the nextcommercial? why are you different than that lawyer? or that one? or that one? or thatone? nobody ever takes the time to explain why, to tell me why they are the right attorneyfor me. so if you're searching for an attorney in a car accident case or in a medical malpracticecase or in a wrongful death case, i want to ask you this question? do any of these commercialson tv tell you, and explain, and give you information about your particular matter?do they give you any information that's going to make you an educated consumer so that youcan make the right decision about which lawyer is right for you? instead, i personally findthat they all just scream and yell at you.

"hey, if you've been injured in this typeof case, call me. we do these cases every day and just call me." okay. why? how areyou different, mr. attorney #1? how are you different from attorney #2 or 3 or 4? theproblem with tv advertising is that attorneys have only 30 seconds to shout out a message.and again, in my opinion, that's not enough time to go ahead and explain things to're online now watching this video because you want to learn more about your particularmatter. well, if you find an attorney who now teaches you and educates you about yourspecific type of matter, aren't you going to be more interested to want to learn evenmore? you know, i have, right now, over 1,400 videos that teach and educate my ideal clientsand consumers about car accident cases and

about medical malpractice cases and wrongfuldeath cases here in the state of new york. if you're considering an attorney, you shouldbe asking them, "hey, by the way, do you create these educational videos that will teach mesomething before i ever pick up the phone and call you? do you give free books, freereports, free information so that now, i can learn all about how the legal process worksbefore i ever pick up the phone and call? or before i ever come into your office?”that's stuff you don't see on tv. and i should put up a sign that says, "as not seen on tv".but, really, think about it. an attorney commercial doesn't give you any useful, real informationto help you make an educated decision about which attorney is right for you. so why doi share this great information with you? i

share it with you just to give you an insightand an understanding behind attorney advertising and attorney marketing when now you're tryingto find the right lawyer to help you solve your specific problem. you know, i realizeyou've got questions or concerns about your own particular matter. well if you matterdid happen here in the state of new york and you do have legal questions, what i encourageyou to do is pick up the phone and call me. i can answer your legal questions. this issomething i do every single day and i'd love to talk to you. you can reach me at 516-487-8207or by email at that's it for today's quick video. i'm gerry oginski,have a wonderful day.

lawyer list

lawyer list

- [voiceover] i don't know about you, but i see it every day, lawyers who hate their jobs, articles telling us thereare too many lawyers. rates of depression increase. alcohol abuse is rampantin the profession. by and large, senior lawyers recommend not going into law as a profession. we know there's a problem,

and, yet, with all of these symptoms, we're not stopping toask a crucial question. instead, we fluff around the edges, afraid to tackle oneof the most fundamental issues associated with these symptoms. we analyze, we provide support, we offer condolence and sympathy. we encourage, exalt, and teach. all of those things are lovely,

significant, and probably necessary, but in all that, we're stillmissing the first question. let me guess. you probably worked hard in school. i'll bet you got prettygood grades, right? i'll bet you're a hard worker. you probably don't mind long hours. if you're like 95% of theyoung lawyers that i've seen, then 30 or 40 copies a day

isn't totally out of the question. i reckon you're probably smart, articulate, and capable of arguing your point with passion and enthusiam. so, what's the problem? the problem is that none of those characteristics protect you from the list of symptoms i said just now. you think that your hard work

will help you manage stress. you think that smartpeople don't get depressed. you think that the abilityto make a strong argument will stop you hatingyour job in three years. if anything, the qualities of people attracted to law, andthe training that we get, leads us further down these rabbit holes that destroy lives in the law everyday, and, still, we don'task the right question.

so, what's the question? it's this. should you be a lawyer at all? did you forget that part? did you get good grades, top marks in debating, and think, "i know, i'll be lawyer "like that person on tv is." fantastic, did you stopand ask the question,

"should i be a lawyer? "can i be a lawyer? "will i thrive as a lawyer?"? so, what's that questionlook like in real life? you see, law isn't all typing, isn't all writing letters, reading cases, studying, advises, meetings. it's not a series of friendly coffees

and catch-ups with polite hand-shaking and deals done each day. sure, it has those things, but those things are only half the story what's it really take to be a lawyer? there's something more, and if you haven't experienced it yet, you will. you need it when theclouds start to gather.

you need it when the storm breaks. you need it when you'rebuffeted from every direction, and when the wind force is so strong you can barely walk. what's the storm look like? it looks like a clientscreaming down the phone. it looks like spending a day, all day, on a task, to find that, the next morning,

the playing field is changed, and you need to start over. it looks like thecolleague you can't stand, but have to work with every day. it looks like the support staff who don't give you their all or leave you in the lurch when you need them the most. it's the employer who'spurpose for existing,

relates not you, your needs, your time, but only their ability to make more money than they did the day before. it's when you wake up inthe middle of the night with a cold sweat because you might have forgotten something. it's not being able to talk about what you do with your family,

your friends, or anyone else. these are the things we don't talk about. these are the aspects of legal pratice that get glossed over, as if they're mere trifles. well, they aren't. they add up. they're constant, and to many, they become overwhelming

which is why our polite little fiction that anyone can practice law is not only stupid, it's also self-destructive. it takes more than smart. it takes more than articulate. it takes more than hard-working. you need to be able to take the hit. you need to develop a thicker skin

than you could imagine. you need to have gravitas, and strength, and courage, sufficient to weather the storm, no matter how hard it gets, and get up the next day with one question on your lips, "what's next?". if stress cripples you,

if adversity overwhelms you, if you think your life and your career should be delivered toyou on a silver platter and you don't need to get in and do the work, then you really need to think about the main question, "should you be a lawyer at all?". law isn't just an intellectual profession.

it's raw, it's emotional, it's deep, and it's full on. it's not about soft versus hard. it's not about weak versus strong. it's about equipped or not. it's about ready or not. it's about whether you will thrive in the profession, or wilt. so, what's your answer?

should you be a lawyer? if so, then what's next?

lawyer lawyer

lawyer lawyer

hi this is michael haber thank you for askingme what happens in regards to a fee dispute where you have either fired your lawyer oryour lawyer is withdrawn from your case there's two general answers the first is the florida bar answer the florida bar will tell you that any unearned fees or any advanced payments must be returned to the client the bar will also tell you that earned fees or non-refundable fees do not need to be returned the second answer is: and we hear that a lot of the law it depends it's a case-by-case analysisand it's going to depend upon the facts and circumstances of your michael a. haber p.a. we strive to avoid conflicts we have a very frank anddetailed discussion about fees and costs

and about the client and the lawyers'obligations to one another during the course of the representation once we'vereached an agreement on those issues its reduced to writing and in the event of afee dispute whether it's with me or any lawyer the florida bar generally won'tget involved and the written contract is what's going to determine what happenswith the case more often than not again at michael a haber p.a. we strive to avoid these types of issues by discussing them up front my object is to defend you in court butto have you as a client for life i want you to refer your friends and yourfamily and your loved ones and to know that i will take care of you and treatyou fairly and honestly thank you again

for your question and please remember itmichael a haber p.a. it's all about reasonable doubt

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