Friday, March 24, 2017

lawyer and lawyer

lawyer and lawyer

holly: sometimes there are situations thatcome up where a real estate lawyer would be helpful to the client. the consumer mightget into a situation where they're uncomfortable with the decisions that they have to make,or they have to negotiate certain amendments or they have to negotiate a dispute and theymight call a real estate lawyer to get involved. julie: whenever you're entering into a legallybinding contract, you want someone reading all of the words very carefully to make surethat you're getting what you think you're getting. because more often than not, youread it one way, interpret it, think you're getting what you want. but someone who's trainedto read it differently can foresee a lot of problems that can come up.

holly: so if a buyer is at all uncomfortablewith the wording of anything they absolutely should contact their real estate attorneyand have them review the documents with them because those loan documents will be withthem for the life of the loan, so it's important that they understand what they're signing.

lawyer and attorney

lawyer and attorney

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lawyer advice

lawyer advice

you've been watching television again andthe movies, and you've seen what appears to be a great lifestyle for lawyers, and you'vedecided you want to become a lawyer. hello, i'm robert todd and i'm here to answer thequestion: how do i become a lawyer? well, first of all, this is going to vary from stateto state in all 50 states. but generally speaking, you are going to have to complete a collegeeducation, a four years at an accredited institution, and then you are going to have to make a satisfactoryscore on the law school admission test. and then upon being admitted to law school, youare going to have to attend three years and graduate with a law degree, after which you'restill not yet a licensed attorney. you have to take a state bar examination, and thisstate bar examination will qualify you to

become an attorney. once you satisfactorilycomplete the bar examination and you satisfactorily complete the background checked on you, youcan then be sworn in in the state in which you have completed these requirements. i'mrobert todd, and thank you for watching.

lawyer & lawyer

lawyer & lawyer

style advice for young lawyers with no time& no money - lawyer fashion clothing tips hi! i'm antonio centeno, the founder of realmen real style, and today, we're going to be talking about how does a lawyer look sharpwith no money and no time. if you haven't already, please subscribe toour youtube channel. by doing that, these videos will come right to you. in addition,if you like this, if you enjoy it, i would appreciate it if you would click the "like"button right down there. in addition, i'm going to link you to an article which is goingto expand on what i'm talking about today. and finally, if you haven't seen it, if youhaven't grabbed it, make sure to go down there and grab our free 47-page e-book. it's overat real men real style and i put a lot of

time and effort into it. i think you'll enjoyit. okay, let's jump right to the question. "antonio,my biggest style challenge is cost. i'm a third year law student working two lawyerjobs with a special license. they'll ask me to work as a lawyer and be a student at thesame time. i'm in the courtroom at least three days a week on various matters ranging fromdivorce to felony defense. i make very little after rent, food, books, and tuition. i currentlyhave a black suit that's decent-fitting, but how do i assemble a wardrobe that keeps melooking like a lawyer on a small budget? the other problem i have is that i'm muscular,6'4", 225 lbs, so most suits do not fit me off the rack. thank you for any help. jason."

all right, jason, it's one of those're in a position where as a young lawyer coming up, you want to do and spend as muchtime possible probably doing internships, working with different judges, doing all typesof pro bono work, everything you can to gain experience. on the other hand, you're notreally getting paid for this. you're looking at this as an investment in your future, butwhen it comes down to it, you can't pay the rent. you can't buy new clothing just by saying,"hey, i'll pay you in five years, in ten years." now, maybe a few years ago before this wholecredit crunch, you could've gotten those 0% apr credit cards and pay those off for tenyears. okay, it's not going to happen today. you need to figure it out. you're young, youhave no money, and you have no time, which

usually with young people, i tell them, "hey,you've got time," especially if you're just a regular college student. go out there andtrade your time by going through thrift stores. it sounds like that is an option which you'rekind of saying isn't really an option for you because, well, you just don't have, again,the time for it. so what i'm going to suggest is a little bit unconventional and i thinkyou're going to enjoy it. 1. you're probably going to have to acceptthat you are going to have to compromise. you're going to be surrounded by lawyers andjudges who perhaps you meet out in town, you meet at social events, you meet at those monthlyget-togethers for education i know you lawyers have, and you're going to notice they've gotgreat-looking suits and these guys look sharp.

you're going to have to realize you're notat that point and you probably can't afford those $2000 custom-made suits that those guysare wearing. on the other hand, as long as you focus onfit, which for somebody with your build is going to be the big issue, you're going tobe good. you're saying, "okay, antonio, how can i focus on fit, again, when i have notime or no money?" you're going to want to look for a designer brand or somebody whomakes clothing that actually is more for your body type. again, i'm a custom clothier, soi don't really spend a whole lot of time in stores, but you can go out there and look. 2. also, you are going to want to spend sometime in thrift stores, but not in the way

that i normally suggest. so normally, i wouldsuggest that people go into thrift stores and they look around. now, for you, what iwould suggest is you want to have kind of a net of thrift stores. you want to get toknow the people that work there and you want to put out a bounty. you want to give themyour measurements and you want to say, "hey, this is the type of suit i'm looking for.this is my position. if you can help me find it, i'll pay you 20 bucks." no one does that and you going in and doingthat, you're going to make an impression especially if you've got a good story. it sounds likeyou're young and you're probably pretty attractive and there are usually young women that workthere. you can make this happen. what you're

doing is you're asking other people to beout looking for you. if you haven't already, you need to ask your family if you've gotsisters, if you've got brothers. really get other people involved and let them know aboutyour plight. don't be embarrassed by it. be proud that you're the kind of man that youwant to take control of the situation and you're going to go whatever means necessary. as i've been building up my company, i'vehad to swallow my pride a lot of times and it just comes down to if you want to succeed,you need to be willing to do what most people aren't willing to do. 3. focus on fit. i talked about that earlierby looking maybe for a designer, and the reason

you want to go possibly with a designer brandversus something from the men's wearhouse is the men's wearhouse, jos. a. bank's, decentstarter companies, but most of their clothing is going to be square. and for somebody ofyour height and your build, it's going to be really tough to get this stuff altered. 4. let's say you get stuck with that. well,you still want to focus on fit. take it to a seamstress or a tailor. most seamstressesare women and you're going to notice that these are usually older women. offer to barter.perhaps you don't have the $50 to $100 that they would normally charge. tell them yourstory and make an offer and say, "hey, i can't pay the full amount." you sound like a big,strong guy. look around. look at what needs

to be done. perhaps these ladies, they need to get somethingmoved out of the office, big and heavy. perhaps they need someone to come in and yeah, youmay have to get up at 6:00 in the morning on a sunday and work until 10:00 cleaningout, maybe working on the landscaping of their office building, but you know what? it's goingto be worth it because you're going to save money and you're going to create a relationship,which is a lot different than they have with a lot of customers. again, use your've got a good one, and people want to help people. so i've talked about putting out a bounty,focusing on fit, bartering, accept that you're

going to have to compromise. now, specificallyyou're going to probably compromise on fabric. fit and style, don't compromise on style.well, you don't want anything from like the 1970s or '60s, but you can look at it. you're going to want to focus on the fit,that's the number one thing, then look at the style. i talk about fit and style in otherarticles, so i'm not going to get into it too deep. you're going to compromise on if you find something that's 50% wool, 50% polyester, it's going to be okay at thispoint. when you start making a little bit more money, take care of those tailors. it'llhelp you out. also, look to upgrade the quality of your suits.

all right, sir, i hope that helped you out.i'll see you guys in the next video. bye-bye. so that's my answer. i hope you like it. i'dlike to hear from you guys in the comments and i will see you in the next video. bye-bye.

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lawsuit lawyers

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welcome back. we're now ready for newton'ssecond law. and newton's second law cansimply be stated-- and you've probably seen this before asforce is equal to mass times acceleration. this is probably, if not themost famous formula in all of time or all of physics,it's up there. it's probably up there withe equals mc squared. but that one's a littlebit more complicated.

so what does this tell us? this tells us that the force,the net force upon an object, is equal to the object's masstimes its acceleration. so let's stay in the metricsystem because most of what you'll do in physic class is inthe metric system, and that tends to be because the metricsystem makes more sense. so let's say that i havea 1 kilogram object. so its mass is 1 kilogram. and it's being pulled downat-- let's say its

it's being accelerated downwardat 9.8 meters per second squared. these kind of units should befamiliar with you from all the projectile motion problems. so the force applied on thatobject in order to get this type of acceleration would be--you just multiply mass times acceleration. the force would have had to be9.8 kilogram times the meter. kilogram.

times meter oversecond square. that's the force appliedon the object. and you're saying, sal,this is very messy. i don't like writing kilogrammeters per second squared. and you are in luck becausethere is a unit and that unit is the newton. 1 newton is equal to 1 kilogram meter per second squared. so if i'm pulling down on anobject at 9.8 newtons, that's

just this, right? this is 1 newton. if i'm pulling down at 9.8newtons on an object that is 1 kilogram, its acceleration isgoing to be 9.8 meters per second squared down. and notice i said the word down,but i didn't write it anywhere in the formula. and i guess we can imply thatboth force and acceleration have direction by writingthis in the formula.

that force is a vector andacceleration is a vector. and so we could have written9.8 newtons-- i don't know. you'll never see thisconvention. we could say newtons down isequal to 1 kilogram times 9.8 meters per second down. so what can we do withthis formula? well we can solve let's say that i have an object. so my object weighs--not weighs.

the mass of my object. and i'll differentiate betweenweight and mass in a second. let's say the mass of someobject is-- i don't know-- 50 kilograms. that's how much anormal person might weigh or a light person. mass weighs 50 kilograms. andlet's say we're in an inertial frame of reference. we're in deep space, so we don'thave all these other-- the force of wind andthe force of gravity

acting on us, et cetera. my force, let's say i applyit to the right. so we know that forceis a vector. let's say i apply a force of--i don't know-- 100 newtons. and let's say i applyit to the right. so this is the object, 50kilograms. and i'm applying a force to the rightof 100 newtons. so what's going to happento this object? well, let's use the formula.

force is equal to masstimes acceleration. the force is 100 newtons. 100 newtons is equalto the mass. the mass is 50 kilograms.50 kilograms times the so we can divide both sides by50 and you get 100 newtons over 50 kilograms is equalto the acceleration. and it's 100 newtonsto the right. i'll use this littlearrow here. that's not a traditionalconvention, but that's how we

know it's to the right. so it's 100 divided by 50. so it's 2. we get this weird units here,newtons per kilogram is equal to the accelerationto the right. this is also going to be tothe right because the direction of the force is goingto be the same as the direction of the acceleration. so what is this, 2 newtonsper kilogram?

well, if you remember-- well youcould just guess that the unit of acceleration is metersper second squared. but let's show that thissimplifies to that. so we said earlier that-- letme just switch colors. that a newton is kilogram meterper second squared. and we're taking this newtonover this kilogram over kilogram, right? so that will cancel out withthat and you get meters per and you wouldn't have to do thison a test. essentially,

if you did everything right, youwould know that the unit acceleration is metersper second squared. so you would have theacceleration-- i'm just switching the two sides--is equal to 2 meters per second squared. and it'll be to the right. so that's useful. we just figured out based on howhard i push something, how fast it's going to acceleratewhile i push it.

and you could use thesame formula to figure out other things. let's say i know that an objectis accelerating-- let's say my acceleration is3 meters per second squared to the right. let's say to the left, justto switch things. and let's say that i know theforce being applied on it is-- i don't know-- 30 newtonsto the left. and i want to figureout the mass.

well you use the same thing. you say force, 30 newtons tothe left is equal to mass times 3 meters per secondsquared to the left. divide both sides by the 3meters per second and you get 30 newtons over 3 metersper second squared is equal to the mass. 30 divided by 3 is 10. you can figure out that newtonsis kilogram meters per so you're just left with10 kilograms is

it's very important that if yousee a problem where the answer's given in-- i don'tknow-- kilometers per second squared or you know, instead ofgiving it in kilograms it's giving it in grams or decagrams,you should convert back to kilograms or meters justso you make sure you're using the right units. and that tends to be frankly,i think, the hardest thing for people. and we'll do all of that whenwe tackle harder problems.

i think now is a good time backto actually differentiate between mass and weight. and you've probably thought thetwo were interchangeable, but they're not. mass is how much of anobject there is. you can almost view it as howmuch of the stuff there is or you can almost it view it--how many atoms there are. but even atoms have mass. so just how muchstuff there is.

and another way to view mass is,how much does the object resist change? and that actually fallsout of f equals ma. because if our mass is bigger,it's going to take a lot more force to make it acceleratea certain amount. if the mass is smaller it'lltake less force. so mass can be viewed as howmuch stuff there is, of an object there is. or you can view it as how hardis it to change what that

object is doing. if it's stationary, how hardis it to accelerate it? if it's moving, how hardis it to maybe stop it? which would essentiallybe decelerating. how hard is it to acceleratean object? weight is actually how muchis-- what is the force of earth upon an object? so you're weight would actuallychange if you go from one planet to another becausethe force of gravity changes.

so your weight is 1/6 on themoon as it is on earth because the pull of gravity is 1/6. but your mass doesn't change. there's still the same amountof sal on earth as there is on the moon. so your weight really-- when youask someone in europe and they say hey, you know, i weigh50 kilograms. you should say, no, you don't weigh 50kilograms. you weigh whatever 50 times 9.8 is.

that's like 400 something--you weigh 490 newtons or something. this is mass. and it's interesting because inthe english system, and all of us americans, we usethe english system. when we say that we weigh 10pounds, we're actually using the correct terminologybecause pounds are a unit of force. we're saying, if i weigh-- andi do weigh about 150 pounds.

that means the earth is thispulling on me with 150 pounds of force. and actually, turns out thatmy mass is measured in the unit called a slug, whichwe might discuss later. actually, we'll do some problemswhere we do it in the metric system and theenglish system. and i'll see you in thenext presentation.



( '60s pop music playing ) ♪ you thought you hadfound a good girl ♪ ♪ one to love youand give you the world ♪ ♪ now you findthat you've been misused ♪ ♪ talk to me,i'll do what you choose ♪ ♪ i want you to ♪ ♪ tell mama ♪ ♪ all about it ♪ ♪ what you need ♪

♪ what you want ♪ ♪ and i'll make everythingall right ♪ ♪ that girl you haddidn't have no sense ♪ ♪ she wasn't worthall the time that you spent ♪ ♪ she had another manthrow you outdoors ♪ ♪ now the same manis wearing your clothes ♪ ♪ i want youto tell mama ♪ ♪ and i'll make everythingall right... ♪ - ( sighs )- ( telephone rings )

- hi, it's charlie.leave a message.- ( tone beeps ) hi, charlie. it's carolfrom the la temp agency. listen, dr. batel's officeneeds you for that okay? - let me know. bye.- ( tone beeps ) good morning, neighbor. yourself. oh, thanks.i was out of everything. aw, why do i even bother? you know, remy,i gave you that keyfor emergencies.

extreme emergencies. it was.i needed caffeine. i don't know.this is good.i'd even wear it. good, 'cause i'vegot to go. i'm latefor my first client. but you stay,have breakfast,take a shower. go through my drawers.

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